Wipe That Surprised Look Off Your Face

January 08, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so you’ve got a guy from Texas who jogs with a gun so he can shoot snakes in the winter and if there’s no snakes, he’s gonna shoot somedamnthing, even a little coyote.

He says he rather be spending his Saturday nights at the firing range than debating.

And he appoints Sheriff Joe Arpaio to head-up his Arizona campaign.

And you’re surprised that he wants to re-invade Eye-Rack?  If that surprises you, you’re not listening to this guy.  He’s Rick Dubya Perry and now that he’s demonstrated that he can remember three things, he’ll invade Iran, too.

His campaign slogan:  War is Cool, Dude!

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