Wildly Satisfying — UPDATED

October 07, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Friday Afternoon Treat:  Watching Katie Tur report that Trump has said sexually demeaning things about women on an open microphone.

Oh dear Lord, this makes me smile.  (Momma, do NOT click this link.)

To Katie’s credit as a professional, she never snickered.

Oh come on, Dude, “I’m sorry if anyone was offended,” is NOT an apology.

My son sent me this text message.




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0 Comments to “Wildly Satisfying — UPDATED”

  1. Sadly, with all that has been revealed about Chump’s misogyny, there has been little difference reflected in the polls. Any woman who supports Dumbo is not in touch with reality and that goes for minorities as well. Fact and truth have lost relevance, but that is the Rethuglican way.

  2. Can this many get anymore disgusting? (I have faith that he will try.)

  3. Typo….man, not many.

  4. Sam in San Antonio says:

    All the class of Sarah Palin.

  5. JAKvirginia says:

    Trump trashes women. And water is wet, ice is cold, lava is hot, sky is blue… la la la la la…

    Face it America. What you see is what you get. There is no angel under that muskrat hair and orange skin. M’kay?

  6. I believe the word is “vulgarian.” Well, one of the words. As Groucho Marx said of his principles, if you don’t like that one, I have others.

  7. @Rhea–Love the Groucho comment! Another of my favorites of his: “Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read.”

  8. Goodbye you disgusting buffoon!(my apologies to buffoons!) Any woman who will still support him is what drives me nuts! And no REAL man would allow him anywhere near the White House let alone your wife or daughters!

  9. Trump is so dismissive of women–so superior–so whatever.

    Wait for it Donald, we women plan to pound you into the ground.

  10. I wonder if Trump considered Bill Cosby for VP? There would be so much they could talk about for the rest of the day after someone reads him the President’s Daily Brief.

  11. Let me say it again, He has the low IQ bigot vote locked up.
    The rest of us not so much.

  12. Chloe Bear says:

    Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus condemned Donald Trump’s sexually aggressive comments about women in a curt statement: “No woman should ever be described in these terms or talked about in this manner. Ever.”

    The statement, released after 7 p.m. Friday, came as the revelations about the Republican nominee’s crude remarks added a newly urgent threat to his candidacy.

    In the recording, Trump boasts about his sexual prowess and describes grabbing women by the genitals.

    Democrats seized on the comments, first reported in the Washington Post, to renew their arguments that Trump is sexist and unfit to be president, while even many members of his own party said they could not defend them.

    Trump, for his part, released a statement shortly after the Post published its report Friday afternoon, apologizing for any offense they caused, but not for the comments themselves.

    Since Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee this spring, Priebus has acted as one of his chief defenders, attempting to rally the party’s resistant rank-and-file members to his candidacy. Still, some have refused to support Trump, a New York businessman already previously known for making inflammatory statements about groups including women, Muslims and immigrants.

    As of Friday, Priebus was scheduled to appear with Trump at a local Republican Party event in Wisconsin on Saturday. The RNC has not said whether the chairman still plans to attend.

  13. WA Skeptic says:

    Bye bye, Donnie; don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.

  14. Chloe Bear says:

    House Speaker Paul Ryan said he is “sickened” by Donald Trump’s 2005 comments about women, and the Republican presidential nominee will no longer attend an event with the speaker in Wisconsin on Saturday.

    “Women are to be championed and revered, not objectified,” Ryan said in a statement Friday night. “I hope Mr. Trump treats this situation with the seriousness it deserves and works to demonstrate to the country that he has greater respect for women than this clip suggests.”


  15. I have (or had) a mother, a mother-in-law, sisters, sisters-in-law, daughters and daughters-in-law. In other words, there are a helluva lot of very important women in my life. I am not to be further trusted in commenting on Mr Trump’s video de jour. He is sad. And grotesquely unqualified for the office for which he has been nominated.

  16. AliceBeth says:

    My only problem with the release of this is the timing. Can they still replace him? Is there still time?

  17. two crows says:

    When this surfaced, I was concerned that Trump might be forced out and Pence might take his place — and that Pence might stand a better chance of being elected. Frying pan, meet fire.

    Then I saw Pence’ response to the news:
    1] Question #1: “Mr. Pence, do you have a comment on the videotape?” Pence: Stone-faced silence. Stoically moving through the crowd and ignoring the questioner. Question #2: Mr. Pence, how can you continue to ignore the question? Video-recording of a hand suddenly covering the lens of the camera.
    2] Press pool being thrown out of the photo-op of Pence looking lovingly at a hotdog bun that had been signed by Trump a few days ago.

    All this from a man who once declared, “I am a Christian, a conservative and a Republican — in that order.”

    Well, there went numbers one and two. I do expect number three to remain intact throughout the campaign.

    I guess I needn’t have worried, huh?

  18. AliceBeth, fortunately the only way he can be replaced is if he quits. They are stuck with him. With his ego, he’ll stay to the bitter end and then scream foul, rigged, etc.

  19. If you think this is bad wait till you see what he dose to top it.
    No matter how vulgar he gets, he can get worse. And he will.
    I will bet that he will come up with something out of his potty mouth that will make the rest of the GOP faint. The look on Pence’s face looking at that hot dog was a joy. There is a lot more tape, this is not the end.

  20. Lunargent says:

    I assume that Trump will now spend about 15 minutes of every speech inveighing against Bill Clinton for being such a dawg with women. And many of his followers and desperate Repub’s will latch on to that, and use it as a justification to still vote for him.

    1 – I don’t think Bill ever habitually committed the egregious behaviors that Trump routinely displayed.
    2 – Bill isn’t the one running for president.

    So the dedicated Clinton haters won’t budge an inch.

    Just saw the “apology”. FEH! Every bit as bad as I expected.

  21. JAKvirginia says:

    I’m sorry if any of the bullets I shot from my gun (hitting several bystanders) offended anyone.

    The religion of Oops. Sigh.

  22. JAKvirginia says:

    And one more thing…

    Does Donnie even know how women are shaped? Cuz if there’s something down there big enough and protuberant enough to “grab” you may not have a woman, buster. I’m jusy sayin’…

  23. Robert McClellan says:

    “Republican office holders retreating from Trump.
    Prince of Space to Hildy
    I’m voting for Trump in November….and only Trump. No down ballot votes for me. I’m done.”

    Republican office holders have to be going through Xanax the way an elephant goes through peanuts.

  24. Edward Starsmith says:

    It was asked of Nixon, “Would you buy a used car from this man?”

    It needs to be asked of Trump, “Would you let this man date your daughter?”

  25. Marcia in CO says:

    It is too late to replace Trump on ballots, or so sayeth
    Chuck Todd this morning on MSNBC who, when he heard/read about the video was left [gasp] speechless! He was with his wife and kids in the car and he said he was just spluttering by the revelation.
    However, Pence could easily step in to be the front-runner for the RWNJs. Oh joy!! He’s as bad as Trump but doesn’t go shooting off his mouth like the Trumpeter does!
    The idea of Pence ogling a hotdog brings to mind the picture of Michelle Bachmann stuffing a corndog into her open maw!! Not a pretty picture!!
    Tomorrow’s debate should prove to be quite interesting … LOL

  26. In my experience many men have said or acted just as Drumpf is doing in the tape. Not all, to be fair, but a lot. Thankfully the campaign to educate women and men about consent continues to gain ground.

    I’ve swum through the comments on several blogs talking about the latest tape. The number of commentators who equate the Monica/Bill issue with Drumpfs is mind boggling.

    I lived through that time and if Ken Starr could have nailed Bill with rape he would have. These Trump/Pence bots know what to think but not how, amirite?

    Consent – if you can’t talk to me as an empowered person then no, you may not touch any part of me. That is my definition. I would imagine yours fits you?

    two crows – Pence is too theocratic for 2016. Thank you for posting his (non) reaction.

  27. OK. This actually made me physically ill. Dizzy and nauseous. Had to take to my bed. Much better now. Just surfed another site to see comments. Only the braindead would bring up Bill and/or Hillary. Somebody actually said it was Trump’s misfortune to be secretly recorded. Piffle! The secrecy and the recording aside, Trump is his own misfortune! As for those a$$wipe$ who blew it off as “oh, thats just the way guys talk”, this guy is interviewing for the job of leader of the most powerful nation on the planet. He doesn’t get to spout this stuff and get a free pass! And he still hasn’t apologized as far as I am concerned. All that expensive education and he doesn’t even know how to do that!

    Hillary won’t really have to eat him alive in St. Louis. He will do it all to himself. Since it is an open town hall format, there may actually be some in the audience who would actually try to take him on physically. That is, IF he shows up.

  28. JAKvirginia says:

    And let’s all remember one very important fact in all of this. He was not a young punk in 2005. He was 59 and married!

    AND…. Donnie if you want me to ignore YOUR past then why don’t you ignore Bill’s? Hmm?

  29. Opinionated Hussy says:

    My daughter in the same room?….I don’t even like being on the same PLANET with this asshat (I’m being respectful to Mama).

    JAKVa….any woman who has ridden crowded public transportation can tell you, this is called groping. It is possible, demeaning, invasive, and frightening.

    If anyone ever asks you what is meant by ‘rape culture’ – this is what rape culture looks like and sounds like.

  30. gabberflasted says:

    I can state unequivocally that I have NEVER acted like this, nor have I seen anyone act so.
    And, trust me, I am no saint. Not close! I played sports in school and served in the Army. I now go to fitness and the locker room three days per week.
    77 years and this language supposed actions are appalling. I do not go to church nor am I religious; you need not be to see this as atrocious behavior.

  31. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    The River Denial runs deep with the snacilbupeR. If Donnie’s words and actions don’t define him, they’re back to square one supporting the candidate with no clothes. Their first clue about Donnie and women should have been his remarks about Ivanka and dating her. Seriously. What more evidence did they require to identify Donnie as a misogynist who objectifies all women.

    As for Mike Pence all the Xanax grinning he did in the VP debate does not begin to cover his political past regarding women, the LGBTQA and POC. He’s as vile as Donnie, minus a few of the more vulgar manifestations of the same psychopathy.

    That’s your ticket, Reince. Enjoy the outreach.

  32. Just a point not brought up here…the guy giggling and being awed by Trump’s prowess is W’s cousin.
    I think he may be in a bit of trouble on the Today show where he’s a co-host. At least, I hope.

  33. The Guardian has quotes from the Today show pointing out that the majority of production staff are women, and it “may make things difficult.”

    My opinion of Trump isn’t any lower after this. It was rock bottom before…

  34. JAKvirginia says:

    Opinionated Hussy: I know what you’re saying. I have sisters and women who are good friends. The stories I could share. But I am truly over Trump. To excuse his bad behavior with someone else’s just tees me off. So I get snarky. This is not 1960 or 1980 or 2000. It’s 2016 and the thinking, civilized world has made this attitude unacceptable. Some people will be forever stuck in the past. And they should be there… not in the White House.

  35. So, when is he going to apologize to his wife?

  36. I normally listen to the Today Show while I’m getting ready to go out. Billy Bush has been on there for a couple of months, and I’ve been thinking I need to switch to a different morning show; he’s annoying & smirky, reminds me very much of his cousin George, and they spend a lot more time talking about celebrity nonsense than they did before he was there.

    That said, even though it’s early in the day for popcorn, I might fix a bowl Monday morning when I watch his apology/explanation, and the co-hosts’ reactions!

  37. Billy Bush is the sniveling junior higher who’s giggling along with every word. He is W and Jeb!s cousin.

    I can’t believe I could detest that POS more. All I can say is #$&%÷$@*(&$=%÷$#&**#$&%÷$@*&$=%÷$#&**.$&%÷$@*(&$=%÷$#&**#$&%÷$@*&$=%

  38. Lunargent says:

    maggie –

    I doubt Melania gets to object. It’s probably in the pre-nup. Strictly one-way, of course.

  39. Lunargent, his team whipped up a “statement” from Melania. Big whoop! I bet she is trying to figure out how to extricate herself and the boy from this mess. By now she may be figuring that even Old Slovenia looks good!
