Why You Should Never Vote Republican Ever Again

July 18, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



He forgot to add, “And a damn fool.”

Must have slipped his mind.

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0 Comments to “Why You Should Never Vote Republican Ever Again”

  1. To be fair George slipped his mind a good many years ago. The only things that matters to brats like Bush, and let’s throw in Romeny for good measure, is that they keep being treated like the entitled little princes that their mommy and daddy told them they were. The rest of us are only here to bolster their self esteem, which seems to hang by a thread as their delicate little feelings are easily bruised.

  2. “Eight years was awesome and I was famous and I was powerful” and they let me play in that big white house and start a war cuz that guy Saaadam tried to kill my Daddy and I got to make up all my own rules cuz my Veep and my lawyers said I was the prez so I could do anything I wanted – so there! Now I want all ya’ll to buy my new book about how to turn the economy around since I did such a great job on that when I was famous and powerful!

    Good grief, the man makes me sick to my tummy….

  3. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    So who would have more fun with 43? Maslow?, who would take a deep breath and think, this fellow is stuck, buried even, between love/belonging and esteem, with issues in both. Or Freud? I can’t imagine Freud’s take on 43. Maybe something aboot cigars?

    @Mike R: Kurt Hahn agreed with you in the 1930s. At his school, Salem, he made 7 laws for the boys. Number 7 was “Free the sons of the wealthy and powerful from the enervating sense of privilege.” What 43, 41, and Willard do share in common is a visible “sense of privilege”.

  4. Lorraine in Spring says:

    I don’ know… I think the his dog actually typed that. I’m still not convinced W can find his own zipper without help.

  5. In the words of Dubya’s former Warmongering Sec Rummy: “It is what it is”


  6. OldMayfly says:

    Georgie, what you were is spelled “infamous” not “famous.”

  7. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    Even though I have not read any biography of 43, I’m betting there won’t be an aircraft carrier bearing his name. Maybe a one-hole outhouse.

  8. This is what happens when we elect someone who has lived his life in a bubble, well protected from the consequences of his own actions. Clueless. And Mitt Romney, with his insistence that hell, no, he doesn’t have to release his tax returns, lives in an even thicker bubble.

  9. The saddest thing to me is that after 8 long long years, when he thinks about his presidency, he only thinks about himself.

    Me, me, me.

    He doesn’t talk about his accomplishments–he has none. He can’t talk about his legislative agenda of course, because it entirely consisted of more money for the ultra rich and killing a few hundred thousand Arabs (and a few thousand Americans as well). But hey, what are a few hundred thousand death against the need to feed his ego?


    @KathyS — the war in Iraq had little to to do with Daddy. Before W was actually in the race and before he was in the White House, he was talking about the need for a president to go to war (any war). All of the “great” presidents in his mind were war presidents. And he wanted to be great, and “awesome and powerful and famous.” He was planning on taking our country to war from the beginning. He just had to find the right opportunity. But war was a foregone conclusion.

  10. Karla Furr says:

    Right after the Commander Guy put food on our families and tore down all the terriers and bariffs,our wings took dream and made the pie high enough for us to be energy dependent.But then Obama took over,and spoiled the awesome.

  11. Can anybody translate what @Karla said?

  12. I hope they put that at the entrance to his Presidential Liberry, so visitors know what they’re walking into.

  13. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    While JJ’s quote find would look swell in granite over the door of the monstrosity off 75 at SMU, I’d nominate the “Is that a seersucker suit?” exchange with the White House press corps. To me, Nothing else quite so highlights this vapid President and his administration.

  14. June Bug says:

    @kARLA; For translations of Bushisms pick up a copy of The Bush Dyslexicon by Mark Miller. You cannot “misunderestimate”* his ignorance and arrogance.
    * A bushism

  15. June Bug says:

    @ Rick; Do you mean the Bush statement or Karla’s? I vote for Karla’s to be carved over the entrance.

  16. June Bug – How about both! One on the way in, and one on the way out. And when you’ve walked half way through the Liberry, a big “Mission Accomplished” banner.

  17. Yep, that’s all he ever thought it was about.

    If it wasn’t so scary, it would be merely pathetic.

  18. On top of all this, “our children is learning.”

  19. TexasEllen says:

    Do we need any other proof that another MBA president is a dreadful idea?

  20. As yet I have seen Romney offer no vision for the country. I suspect that Dubya’s take on the job of Presidency may explain why Romney is running for it. It would be just awesome for him. (Besides, his Daddy couldn’t do it.)

  21. June Bug says:

    TTPT: It was a question…”Is our children learning?”

    Another quote after some tax cuts:”I think it is a little early to proiject the amount of money the Legislature(TX) will be dealing with. And, as you know I hope I’m not here to have to dearl with it” Dallas Morning News 7/14/2000. Anybody see a pattern here?
