Why we are afraid

July 23, 2024 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

Author’s Note: My break was short-lived. Thanks to everyone for their positive thoughts and understanding. I’ve decided this is much too important to stay on the sidelines for too long.

What I’ve noticed in the course of my lifetime is a sharp rise in political violence. The funny thing is that violence has been used as a cudgel to propose undemocratic remedies to solve a problem one side is more responsible for than the other. It is a classical move by autocratic regimes. You get people to fear something by doing it yourself and then turn around and say that you have the solution.

I could cite any number of sources but this one tells the story pretty cleary. Inside there is a figure that runs from 2000 to 2019. Inside the figure you will notice that they track violence from environmentalists, religious fanatics, far left, far right, and single issue actors. As late as 2019, far right actors accounted for more than 50 single attacks in the United States. Since the age of Trump, only right wing and single issue actors account for any significant increase. Far left actors accounted for far fewer than ten attacks. Religious actors saw a spike in 2016 over ten, but have since dropped. Environmentalists saw a big spike at the turn of the century but have since dropped to nearly zero.

I immediately did some research and found this site that completely refutes that left wing violence is a major thing. It broke down political violence into left wing, right wing, and Islamic. It broke down violence along other lines as well, so it is a very informative read. For our purposes it broke down ideological violence with 59 percent being right wing violence, 23 percent left wing violence, and between 17 and 18 percent being Islamic.

When people are threatened they immediately go into fight or flight. It’s a natural visceral reaction. Some might call it the lizard brain, but in any respects the rational side of our brains shut down and we immediately become like a cornered animal. If we believe we are constantly in danger and we are told that the other side is doing it then we are naturally going to think we need to defend ourselves.

Add in a little homophobia, xenophobia, and racism and it becomes a dangerous cocktail ready to explode. People are being bombarded with messaging that there is an invasion coming from the southern border where people are coming for your jobs, money, and they are bringing dangerous drugs designed to hook and kill your children and grandchildren.

What we see is a cognitive disconnect. All reports are that people believe crime is on the rise when it is actually the exact opposite. Former president Trump has even coined a phrase that he calls “migrant crime.” The facts don’t support him there. Yet, we see for any number of people that facts don’t seem to matter.

So, when the right is sold an overwhelming dose of fear and we know they are more likely to react violently you will understand why many of us on the left are scared. We are being sold as the enemy and there is ever-increasing rhetoric that tells people that we must eliminate the enemy through any means necessary.

There are countless examples of people believing they were safe up until the moment they weren’t. Political violence is on the upswing and it isn’t us committing the violence. The fact that many seem to think so is terrifying. The signs and evidence is out there for everyone to see. I can only hope and pray that a majority of us come to our senses and come to our senses fast.

0 Comments to “Why we are afraid”

  1. Great that you’re back.
    Agree with most of this post. If you are urging the liberals to be more aware of the very real dangers from the RWNJs on the loose, you’re exactly right. although most of them, because of their trusting, soft?, nature, are clueless to the dangerous designs of our political enemies.

    And on the topic of illegal immigration, I’d like to opine a bit. Both sides have been getting it wrong for decades.
    I used to live on a minor road on the edge of a small Deep South Texas town. That road went due south a few miles to the bank of the Rio Grande (yes, I lived closer to the border than probably any of y’all).
    On almost any given morning groups of illegal immigrants, men, women, and children, with carried belongings, would be walking past my front door going to pickup points and the bus station about eight blocks north.
    We watched this daily parade through the kitchen windows while preparing to go to work. Our house was never burglarized or bothered in any way by any of those illegals over decades.
    So, among many other aspects of the issue, the RW hysteria is bullshit. But the obliviousness of the liberal side to the real problems of many millions of immigrants flooding into the country is also harmful.
    The ridiculously stated number of ’11 million’ immigrants, which has been around for decades, is greatly out of scale. I think that the actual numbers of illegal immigrants who have entered the US in the last, say 40 years, is more like 50-90 million plus.

  2. This is a much better perspective than I presented. Plus right now I am not sure the law will actually hold as it should for such right-wing violence or election interference. Despite all the assurances from lawyers and legal scholars that there is nothing to contest about Harris’ selection, all we need is some court system to decide to accept some iffy case concerning the selection or some other questionable election challenge and the quagmire could easily begin. And if it gets to the Supreme Court, who knows what will happen (thinking of presidential immunity case and the actually ancient basis for repealing Roe vs Wade here – neither one of those were based on the Constitution or the Bill of Rights or any other legal precedence).

  3. At JD Vance’s rally yesterday, the opening speaker:

    I believe wholeheartedly Donald Trump and Butler County’s JD Vance are the last chance to save our country politically. I’m afraid if we lose this one, it’s gonna take a civil war to save the country. And it will be saved. It’s the greatest experiment in the history of mankind.”

    State Sen. George Lang

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I see a congress critter from TN has already introduced articles of impeachment against Kamala for high crimes and misdemeanors because of murders committed by immigrants that crossed the border. He said she is the “border czar” (something she’s never been). His name is Andy Ogle(s). Guess they don’t want to talk about how repugnanticans blocked the bipartisan immigration legislation or the executive action Biden took to cut down on illegal crossings significantly. They’re grasping at anything that can counter the momentum Harris has gained. Hearings, investigations, subpoenas are next I’m sure.

  5. slipstream says:

    How can there be a problem on the southern border?

    Trump built the wall, didn’t he?

  6. Oh, Nick……I am glad you are back for these history making times. Thank you.
