Why, Thank You, Dan For Govsplaining This To Me

May 20, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You’d think that Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick would be limping from the beating he took on national media for suggesting that fewer doors in a school would solve this shooting problem he have. The Onion tried to make that weirder but they couldn’t.

But, Lt. Dan was back on teevee yesterday, attempting to make himself look semi-sane.

He told George Stephanopoulos and the entire world that guns “are a part of who we are as a nation.”  Yeah, and ignorance, too.

Dan cherishes the 2nd amendment.  He quotes it wisely and freely.

“You know, talking about a ‘well run militia,’ our Second Amendment, teachers are part of that well run militia, by the way,” Patrick insisted, condescendingly.

Okay, so I am freaked enough thinking about teachers being a militia. Teachers don’t have a great history of properly using weapons.  Remember the time they were giving teachers shooting lessons and one of the shot the janitor?  Or the one who left it in the bathroom?

And … Dan’s sacred 2nd amendment does not say “well run militia.”  It says, for Pete’s sake – well regulated militia.

The word “regulated” is so obscene in Dan’s eyes, that he’s trying it erase it from the constitution.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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