Why Texas Is Seated in The Attic at the GOP Convention

August 28, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Ellen

The National Republican Convention had to have known that seating the Texas delegation, and the rest of the Ron Paul delegates, in the back of the hall would lead to whining, eye-rolling, hissy fits. The Texas Delegation is up in arms over a Romney lawyer sliding a rule change in that would allow a presidential campaign to replace elected delegates with “chosen” (read big checkbook) delegates.  In both parties, the folks who do the most work planting lawn signs, holding fundraising carwashes,  block walking, telephoning, etc. tend to be the folks that other folks want to elect.  Now it looks like the Romney folks think that money should be worth more than sweat equity.

The Ron Paul delegates are particularly unamused.   Those folks may be youngish and not particularly wealthy, but Lord knows they have energy and a stick-to-it ethic.  So far, The Chronicle, Salon and the International Business Times have detected a disturbance in the force.   If the pack of bored journalists jump on this, that Convention could become lively.




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0 Comments to “Why Texas Is Seated in The Attic at the GOP Convention”

  1. The arrogance is just mind boggling. I would hope that a lot of Ron Paul supporters would have my snarky response at the polls if I was in their shoes and vote for the other side.

  2. Please, oh please, let the press corps (that actually outnumbers the delegates, at least it did the year I was a delegate), decide to do its job and check this out. Let’s just hope that the journalists don’t think that Citizens United applies to Conventions – even if, to the Republicans, this is a logical extension.

    By the way, the Paul folks are fanatical. Seriously in MO’s primary (the 2.5 million dollar one that was NON BINDING), it rained constantly and was cold (two conditions we are no longer familiar with in MO), and the Paul dude was out there the entire time! If nothing else, you gotta love their stamina.

    One more thought, these young pups who are for Paul are frequently there because he is the only major candidate who is articulating the idea that the war on drugs has failed. Should the Dems, decide that picking up a fanatical group of young people would be helpful to them they might want to think about including the decriminalizing of marijuana in their platform.

    As a general rule, youngsters don’t care about the Fed, returning to the gold standard or the host of social issues that the Repubs push. In fact when you start articulating those social issues (anti-gay marriage, no choice in cases of rape and incest etc.) they tend to recoil. My point is is this we, the Democrats, could steal away a bunch of those fanatical youngsters with a bit of a modification.

    Just thought I would stir the pot….

  3. Mimi Diane says:

    According to the Salon article, the chickens have come home to roost. It was fine when Michigan officials were replacing elected people with Repubs. It was the right thing to do when hundreds of laws passed to restrict R v. W which is legal according to the Supreme Court. Passing laws to restrict voting for Democratic voters – no problem. They probably do not see the irony in all this.

  4. Rachel Maddow did her first segment “checked out” the GOP manipulation of seating etc, last night. Our gal is ON IT!

  5. I could just eat this up with a spoon:

    Huckabee to Paul supporters: ‘You lost, move on’

    ‘You have to accept that the voters make a choice and the voters made a choice.’

    Read more: http://politics.kfyi.com/cc-common/mainheadlines3.html?feed=104707&article=10375718

  6. Marge Wood says:

    I love it. Dontcha think that’s what happens everywhere? The rich are the best and deserve the best seats and the biggest voice because they are, well, RICH. Hurray for the Ron Paul guys; hope they stir things up. Well, and then I hope they go home and vote Democrat out of disgust.

  7. This is on my Yahoo! homepage …


    They “compromised” with the Texans and the Ron Paul bunch.


  8. Lorraine in Spring says:

    “Now it looks like the Romney folks think that money should be worth more than sweat equity.”

    And this is a surprise to who? ReleaseTheReturns!

  9. Isn’t the attic where you keep the crazy uncle?

  10. aggieland liz says:

    Sounds like he borrowed Guv Goodhairs playbook to me!
