Why Maude Lebowski is a Philosopher AND a Damn Clairvoyant

June 18, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Michigan State Representative Lisa Brown was censored and not allowed to speak on the House floor for 48 hours because she said a dirty word out loud – she said “vagina.”

Maude Lebowski: Does the female form make you uncomfortable, Mr. Lebowski?

The Dude: Uh, is that what this is a picture of?

Maude Lebowski: In a sense, yes. My art has been commended as being strongly vaginal which bothers some men. The word itself makes some men uncomfortable. Vagina.

The Dude: Oh yeah?

Maude Lebowski: Yes, they don’t like hearing it and find it difficult to say whereas without batting an eye a man will refer to his dick or his rod or his Johnson.

The Dude: Johnson?

Republican men really need to get over themselves.

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0 Comments to “Why Maude Lebowski is a Philosopher AND a Damn Clairvoyant”

  1. …or his junk, his jewels, his cock, his package…Good Lord, how awful that someone says vagina. Oddly, none of these men ever refers to his penis.

  2. Just re-viewed that movie this last weekend!

    And as the Stranger said . . . “Couldn’t you use a little less cursing (paraphrased)”

    The Dude: “The F*** you mean?”

    Stranger: “Nevermind.”

  3. daChipster says:

    Plus she’s played by the hotsie totsie hottentot hot Julianne Moore for whom Mrs. daChipster has been duly warned I will leave if the opportunity presents itself. Somehow, daMrs found that amusing.

    daChipster abides.

  4. I never considered a similarity between The Dude and Republicans, but we can only hope (now that you’ve pointed out the possiblility) that a new movement will rise up and sweep across our great nation. An uprising of a White Russian drinking, pot smoking, right leaning faction of the Republican Party known as the Dude Party. Sample platform issue; strong on defense, both East & Middle East: “The chinaman is not the issue here, Dude. I’m talking about drawing a line in the sand, Dude. Across this line, you DO NOT… Also, Dude, chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature. Asian-American, please.”

  5. Rep. Lisa Brown, along with Eve Ensler and other actresses, will be performing the Vagina Monologues on the steps of the Michigan state capital this evening.

    Too bad, for the speaker dude who censored her, he didn’t just let it go when she spoke the word vagina on the floor of the state legislature. Hahahaha

  6. daChipster says:

    My cousin, Jesus Hachecristo, is unveiling his latest money-making bumper sticker scheme: “Proud Vagina-American.”

    Next up, available in a certain East Coast swing state only: “Vagina is for Lovers.”

  7. daChipster: I want one on a T-shirt. With a picture. Maybe a reproduction of a painting by Georgia O’Keeffe.

  8. Oh, YES, I want a Proud Vagina-American bumper sticker too!
