Whoa – the Tide Turns

June 04, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Just a heads up from customer Deb T.  The Missouri Baptist Newsletter editorializes Trump’s trip to church and it’s not what you’d expect at all…

All this so that President Donald Trump could walk over to that church for a photo op with a Bible.

Not to enter. Not to worship. Not to pray. Not to confess. Not to listen to God. But to awkwardly pose with a borrowed Bible.

And that is what it means to take the Lord’s name in vain.

Yeah, Missouri Baptists.  Almost made me want to get born again again.

It’s worth a whole read.  It’s short and it bites.


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0 Comments to “Whoa – the Tide Turns”

  1. Wow. Well worth the read!

  2. Sam in Superior says:

    Great read from the WP on Trump’s Bible knowledge.


  3. Craig Waters says:

    Wow it is.

  4. Mark Johnson says:

    If Trump loses the Baptists …

  5. Harry Eagar says:

    Trump says religious leaders loved it! Who are you going to believe?

  6. thatotherjean says:

    Better late than never, gentlemen. THIS is among the many things the rest of us have recognized about Donald Trump. Spread the word.

  7. Outstanding!

  8. “We take the Lord’s name in vain when we squeeze the breath of God out someone until they die.”

    Amen, y’all.

  9. Grandma Ada says:

    The only reason he didn’t got to a synagogue and carry Torah scrolls is because you couldn’t see him in the picture! The man is thoroughly disgusting and dangerous in every way!

  10. Don’t get too excited. She’s either American or northern. I couldn’t find Southern Baptist convention anywhere on that site.

    Glad to read her piece.

  11. What she sayest!!!

  12. Jane & PKM says:

    Covidiot* 45 has done stepped in it. As Crone indicated forget the Southern Baptist convention. But between the American or northern conventions who were quick to disavow Fred Phelps as a Baptist, while not actually condemning him, this does speak volumes about where Donnie* stands with many Baptists.

  13. even Pat Robertson dissed Agent Orange for the trip to the church

  14. Actually, Crone, the author is male, Brian Kaylor, an editor/president at Word & Way based in Jefferson City, Missouri. Some states that border Missouri are Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee. Kentucky, Illinois (southern) and Iowa. That’s far enough into the Bible Belt and Southern Baptist territory for me.

    Here’s their mission statement:

    To accurately inform Baptists and others of relevant news, promote the work of Christ and encourage inspirational living.

  15. Sandridge says:

    AK Lynne @14, Not quite Texas. Bordering OK, AR, LA is more than enough wingnutlandia contact for many of us, MO need not apply, thkuvrymush.
    NM we can live with, MX is a different world.

  16. This really really really got a rise out of clergypeople of all denominations in the D.C. area!!!

  17. @14
    As a person who lived in Missouri for many years I know the bordering states. I am also friends with a person from Kansas who has been a member of the American Baptist for 50 years.

    My point was, this letter came from a religious organization more like Quakers than Southern Baptist. There are less than 1.5 million American Baptist and more than 14 million Southern Baptist.

  18. Old Fart says:

    Thank you for the article. I needed the encouragement…
