Who the Hell Talks Like That?

October 07, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Treason (Yes, We're Going There), Trump

Today in DC, even among the Senate Invertebrates, backlash was swift and loud after Trump announced that he was unilaterally pulling out of Syria and handing it over to the Turks, Assad, and, of course, the Russians.  Even Little Lindsey Graham found his voice.

Responding to the uproar, Trump tweets:

“In my great and unmatched wisdom…” Yes, he really said that.  Who the hell talks like that.  It’s bad enough that he unilaterally decides, against ALL advice, to hand Syria over to the bad guys, and bad enough that he threatens to “totally destroy and obliterate” the Turkish economy; but he actually used the words “great and unmatched wisdom”?  It’s like he’s hired Kim Jong Un’s speech writer.

Hey, Moscow Mitch, are we DONE yet?


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