Who the Hell is Running this Country?

July 25, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

That’s what the hell I want to know.

When did we vote for Rush Limbaugh?

Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) outlined the GOP’s debt-ceiling plan to conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh on Monday before showing it to his conference.

On Monday during his radio program, Limbaugh talked about the call he received from Boehner. Limbaugh’s support of the plan would be advantageous to Republicans because it might help rally the conservative base.

And he even blathers on to say that Obama is upset.

Limbaugh said Boehner told him he was working on the plan with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.). He also said President Obama was irritated at being left out.

“Boehner told Obama that, Obama got aggravated even more that he’s been left out of that,” Limbaugh said.

Do not tell me that this is not 100% politics.  Some fat slob chicken drug crook is making policy for this country?  Hell, if you’re going to ask a druggie for advice, I’d go with Keith Richards.  At least he can play guitar.


And if it’s a slob you’re after, Jabba the Hut is looking for work.

I swear to heck and back that if you walked into a room with Boehner and Limbaugh, you’d be hard pressed to identify either one of them as a member of the human race.  I’m in the beauty business.  I know about these things.  You’d be looking for their spaceship illegally parked outside.  You know you would.

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