Who Opened the Door to the Crazy Barn?

April 20, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott says school employees can turn public schools into the OK Corral.

armed-teachers-colorado-665x385Texas school districts that designate employees to carry handguns do not violate state laws banning concealed firearms at sporting events or during school board meetings, Attorney General Greg Abbott said in an opinion released Friday.

Abbott says this law would be helpful to small school districts who cannot afford to hire a full time security guard.  Yeah, Skippy, but it will also be used by big ole districts to make a mess of things.

This law would also allowed school board members to be armed.  People who say that the best government is the government closest to the people have never been to a school board meeting.  There’s some crazy people on school boards.

Abbott says district employees can carry weapons to sporting events, too, which should completely eliminate the need for instant replay.

Not everybody who qualifies for a CHL is a sharpshooter.  I know a guy with a CHL who could not hit the side of a barn even if he was inside the barn.  The last damn thing we need in school is bullets flying like mosquitoes in July with nobody knowing who the good guys are.

Good Lord, when did the NRA rent out Texas?

Thanks to Marge for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Who Opened the Door to the Crazy Barn?”

  1. They don’t rent it, hon, they OWN it.

  2. good on them…this should make the football and basketball games much more exciting

  3. OldMayfly says:

    “Zero tolerance” means suspension for a kid who pulls a plastic knife out of his lunch box to spread his peanut butter.

    But loaded guns for all the adults at school? Yah-hoo! OK! Most of my teachers were responsible people–but I wouldn’t have trusted one of my high school principals with a sling-shot.

  4. donquijoterocket says:

    Apparently no one ever advised your AG of Mark Twain’s comment that God made the Idiot for practice, and then He made the School Board. Of course it’s possible no one ever advised your AG about Mark Twain at all.

  5. Marge Wood says:

    You’re right, Gindy51. Even otherwise sane people in Tayuksis believe in guns like they believe in apple pie and motherhood. And I’m not sure Mark Twain is required reading any more in public schools, more’s the pity. No comments on our AG and education, of which he coulda used a better one.

  6. Marge Wood says:

    I have another question. The thing these days (this is the kind of discussion I used to get into while shelving books in the youth services area of public library) is that there are more good books being written. How do you decide which ones are most important to read?

  7. RepubAnon says:

    This should make salary negotiations with the teachers interesting. I expect the teachers will say they were just “standing their ground” in the negotiations.

  8. I should not have clicked that link. Since I did, I shouldnt’ve read any comments.

  9. maryelle says:

    There were so many comments removed due to “violation of the visitor agreement” on that site, you can imagine the vitriol and hate language used against the one woman who had the nerve to speak out against arming teachers and school board members.
    This would be something which would cause me to home school my kids.

  10. Corinne Sabo says:

    My teacher friends hate this idea. It wouldn’t work here.

  11. SomedayGirl says:

    Mr. Abbott, do I have the right as a parent to know which teachers are armed and to request my children not be in those classrooms (or for that matter in that school)? No, I don’t think Mr. Smith will shoot Little Susie for forgetting her homework but I worry that Little Johnny and his friends will jump Mr. Smith.

  12. oh, damn. damn. damn. My grandchildren were in school the day one of the kids pulled out a weapon and offed another child in the head right in front of 200 kids changing classes. There then followed a whuppin’ big denial by all the school officials about how the didn’t know the shooter was a danger even though he had spent most of his preceeding school years in a special school for kids with big emotional problems as in can’t handle themselves in regular society. Daughter and son in law spent a lot of valuable time trying to find another school in the area where they could put their kids but the tuition schools were full up already with kids placed there by their totally freaked out parents. Neither daughter nor son in law has the opportunity to home school. Solultion, so to speak? The kids now have cell phones pre-programmed for the home number and 911. sigh. best they could do. double damn sigh.

  13. Elise Von Holten says:

    My daughter is going to form a small private school with 5 other families that hire a teacher for a three day a week teaching sessions–when I choose to home school my youngest, I was able to give her much more (field trips/art/ tutoring) than the private school tuition gave her. I originally included some of her public school friends on certain outings–but they were not as interested in learning as my child was, so that was short lived. A live-in mothers helper, 3 day school week–that was/is (admittedly $$) the answer my children’s age group is coming up with (35-45 yr olds–middle upper class) I don’t know what lower middle class people can do except do parents groups and band together with like minded people–for atheists the extreme Xian slant of a lot of home school stuff is off putting, but the school districts have sources, and college students who want to be teachers can be a good resource…

  14. So now my grandkids have to deal with “guardians” who are armed, well/fully/currently trained, mentally stable, fully background checked, in top physical and mental shape, able to distinguish ‘bad people’ from ‘good people’ in a firefight, are crack shots, don’t panic, and are paid by under funded school districts. Oh yeah, and have JD and MD degrees on the side.

    In the movies everything works out, so what can go wrong with this….

  15. Ralph Wiggam says:

    So the next time we have a school shooting in Texas, the teachers with guns will be the top priority targets. That must be very reassuring to them.

  16. Anyone bother to check with the school’s insurance provider before they get the whopper increase for the additional liability in their premiums? No? Thought not.

  17. Many schools are self-insuring, AJ, and they have municipal immunity and limited exposure to a judgment. They aren’t very afraid. My large district has said no to armed staff, but those who believe more guns are the answer are putting on the pressure.
