Who Is This Miss Spoken and Why Does She Hang Out With Such Goofy People?

October 04, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Senator Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire first says she thinks Donald Trump is a good role model for kids.

Then the next morning she wakes up with Miss Spoken.

I do not even know who this Miss Spoken woman is.  My best guess is that she’s a little fairy who comes to fix things when you lie or say something dumber than bean dip.

I just wish she’d find a better class of people to grant wishes to.


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0 Comments to “Who Is This Miss Spoken and Why Does She Hang Out With Such Goofy People?”

  1. Marcia in CO says:

    Miss Spoken and Miss Construed seem to be very popular this election! They seem to be RWNJs!!

  2. It took me a minute to figure out what you meant by “Miss Spoken.”

    But if Kelly Ayotte is saying “I Miss Spoken” isn’t she a) using bad grammar and b) lying?

    Oh, well. GOPers would be so cute if they didn’t keep getting elected.

  3. We couldn’t figure out the sudden attack of goofiness on her part either. She is actually known as being stable! She is experiencing a real fight for her seat and the stress may be getting to her.

  4. Maybe she finally met Trump’s long-time girlfriend Miss Ogyny.

  5. e platypus onion says:

    Of course her correction included HRC, which is a hall mark of wingnuts. If their candidate is bad, drag down the Dem with them. SOP.

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Line Kelly up with an ejection seat. Without a Democratic Senate, we will be so screwed. NH where is your Yankee horse sense? Hope it hasn’t gone the way of NVs; under a load of Koch money and previously used oats & hay.

    Donnie as a role model? Maybe as a lesson on how NOT to treat the ladies. His face should be permanently scarred orange with tinges of other colors from women giving him the slap fest he deserves. Actually, Donnie is a walking squawking example of how NOT to treat anyone.

  7. two crows says:

    And Miss Calculated and Miss Take are the addled cousins hidden in the attic of this Gothic novel. No one in the family talks about them but, boy, do they make a lot of noise up there!

  8. two crows says:

    @ maggie:
    It’s the having to defend the top of her ticket that’s doing it. All the stable ones have gone right round the bend under the pressure of watching their party being destroyed before their eyes.

    I never had much use for the GOP — even in the old days. And that’s not to mention the past 40 years. But the nation needs two parties, at a minimum, if it is to survive. So The Donald isn’t doing us any favors, either.

  9. A few more Misses on this thread (Miss Spoken, Miss Take, etc…), and Trump, the soon to be despondent former candidate would have enough contestants to start a new beauty pageant:

    Les Miss érables

  10. AliceBeth says:

    Is there some kind of GOP genetic condition that creates people who cannot say what they mean the first time? Or do they say what they mean until the overlords correct them?

  11. JAKvirginia says:

    If I meant to say Honda but said Hyundai, then I have mis-spoken.

    But to say you think Trump is the best only to be embarrassed by his latest tirade and then try to walk it back with “mis-spoke” has got to be one of the pinnacles of two-faced rhetoric.

  12. Tilphousia says:

    Two crows, I never had much faith in the GOP going back to the 50’s. And Nixon and newt sealed their fate. Trump is a role model for no one or nothing.

  13. WTH happened to Kelly Ayotte?? She was cute and cuddly and a not so awful snacilbupeR. Wow has she ever changed.

  14. Only one candidate has ever been acquainted with Miss Underestimated. That’s not a good thing. He was a certified Dimwit.

  15. Miss Appropriation is another favorite of Hair Donaldo. Just ask the AG of New York. She’s a BFF of Miss Calculation, a Drumpf supporter

  16. Sara Hochhauser says:

    I liked Kelly saying she “supported” Trump but did not endorse him! Is there a difference? If there is, please explain it to me.
