Who Hates That?

December 19, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ron Paul went on the Jay Leno Show last night, obviously staying up long past his bedtime.

By the way, I really loved Helen‘s description of Ron Paul.

So really that just leaves us with Rick Santorum and Ron Paul.   One is fascinated with a dog having sex with a man and the other looks like a dog had sex with a man.  You know.  I really don’t have a problem with that.

Anyway, Dr. Paul was real chatty and had some charitable thoughts about his opponents during this season of peace, love, and joy.

Asked his opinion of Michele Bachmann, who Paul had clashed with earlier in the week over the question of a nuclear Iran, Paul said Bachmann “hates Muslims” and “wants to go get them.”

And Paul added that Rick Santorum hates gays and Muslims.

Those were odd words from the mouth of a man who hates Americans, don’t ya think?

Under Ron Paul, if you make minimum wage with no health insurance and you get sick, then you should die because you should have thought about that before you were born with a double digit IQ.  Or even if you have a pre-existing condition.

Hush, Grandpa, you’re rambling crazy aain.

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