Who Gets Tax Cuts?

December 08, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know what’s a shame?  Alan Grayson didn’t get re-elected.

Grayson looks at Republicans who will make enough money to land on Boardwalk with three hotels if the Bush tax cuts are extended.  Here’s a few examples —

Limbaugh: $2.6M per year

Beck: $1.5M per year

Hannity: $1.0M per year

Palin: only $6.4K per year

Bush: only $1.8K per year

You do understand that Rush Limbaugh is just gonna use that money for drugs, right?  And Beck will blow it all on chalk.  Hannity?  Hairspray.

Juanita’s contention is that maybe we’re not doing these people any favors by giving them a tax cut.

Think about it.

Thanks to Paul for the heads-up.

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