While We’re All Talking About Those Tweets…

March 14, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Holy Crap, Trump

Almost every day there is some new incendiary tweet from Cheeto Jesus or idiotic declaration by his sidekicks Kellyanne and/or Spicey.  As entertaining as all this nonsense is, there are serious decisions being made to undo years of government policy and practices, dismantle or cripple federal agencies, and create a shadow government that everyday Americans can’t see.  Case in point: a major change to drone warfare policy CJ made on January 21st, ONE DAY after his, er, uh…(urp) inauguration.

The WSJ is reporting that unnamed US officials have disclosed that during his first visit to the CIA, CJ reversed the Obama administration policy on drone strikes.  For disclosure and transparency, Obama had put in place a policy that the CIA use drones for intelligence gathering only.  If they determined a target to be taken out, the military then conducted the actual strike.  The Pentagon would then announce the results of that strike.  Well, no more.  Now, the CIA can pick out and kill targets of choice with no transparency, no accountability.  More alarming, though is the pace that they’re doing it – the Council on Foreign Relations reported earlier this month that drone attacks are up over 400% since CJ took office.  And that’s just the strikes they could find out about.  No telling how many have been done covertly.

So, while the press is chasing the next shiny thing, radical changes to our government are being made behind our backs.  It’s time to be ever vigilant and resist.


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