Where Is Eve Rockford When You Really Need Her?

November 04, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so while Eve Rockford (see below) was getting all mortified over bottles of water, another – yes, another – case of voter fraud was perpetrated on this great county by a Republican.

You recall Fort Bend’s own Bruce Flemming, who suffers from acute serial voter fraud, voted in two states.  But, holy cow!, this woman tried it at two polling places in the same damn city.

A registered Republican was arrested by the FBI on Friday for trying to vote twice in Henderson, Nevada. Roxanne Rubin tried to vote twice at two different polling locations. At the second location, they checked her name in the database and her name came up as having already voted. Ms. Rubin tried to claim their database was wrong, and that she hadn’t voted. But they weren’t buying it.

An investigation ensued and she was arrested at the casino where she works on Friday.

Let this be a lesson – gambling at a polling place ain’t smart.

Thanks to Mike for the heads up.

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