Where Are The Village People When You Really Need Them?

July 16, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Does anybody know what the state motto for Arizona is?  I’m just asking because I’m pretty sure it’s Land of the Roaring Dumb Butts.

Republican congressional candidate and state legislator Adam Kwasman, who obviously spent his childhood years working in the coal mines, decided to get some free press by protesting an incoming bus of migrant children.  You know, to make them cry.  Because that’s fun.

He even tweets it —

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He dashed to the bus and then ran straight to the tv cameras and newspapers where he said he saw the migrant children, “I was actually able to see some of the children in the buses. The fear on their faces…. This is not compassion,” he said.

Come to find out, that was not migrant children.  It was … wait for it … the YMCA bus headed for summer camp.  And, they weren’t afraid, they were laughing at the demonstrators and taking pictures with their camera phones.


So a local teevee reporter has more fun than is allowed by law in most states, but we make an exception for Arizona.  It’s called “The Oh Dear God, John McCain Picked Sarah Palin Rule” and gives three free on camera humiliations to every reporter in the state.



So, yeah, this is not about the rule of law.  And its only about children because it’s easier to scare children.  This is a hate contest.  This is Republican politicians measuring their winkies by the level of hate they can spew.

Adam Kwasman won yesterday.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Where Are The Village People When You Really Need Them?”

  1. Hate-Filled Republican Douchebag of the Day: Adam Kwasman

  2. e platypus onion says:

    It gets better. These protesters were alerted to the immigrants by the Pima Co Sheriff who had no business broadcasting that info. Wingnuts have truly jumped off the deep end.

  3. I’d laugh and point, but there are plenty of Texas politicians every bit this stupid and vile. Sheriff should be, but won’t be taken to the woodshed. if you just must pray for America, make it God SAVE America from now on.

  4. e platypus onion says:


    This is additional info and at the bottom of this article is an opinion piece about the Pinal (not Pima) Co Sheriff who apparently tweets pictures of himself in underwear.

  5. eyesoars says:

    Where is H. L. Mencken when we need him?

    Come back, Henry Louis, your country needs you.

  6. The realm of twitterdom just got larger! And boy, do they ever belong in it! The fact that this is going viral proves there is some kind of justice somewhere in the universe.

  7. You do realize you’re [the protestors] monsters, right? Horrific human beings? Empty, soulless shells with tan lines? Forget amnesty for the refugee kids, it’s time to work out a straight one-to-one trade. America gets those kids on that bus, if it ever comes, and Guatemala gets you. You’ll love it there, it’s got lots and lots of guns.

  8. S. Nein says:

    Where are all of the Evangelical reborn hypocritical Christians now that we need them. What would Jesus do here? take all of these children right back to their countries so that they can be victims of abuse? The US has a lot of responsibility for the conditions that exist in those countries, but we do not hear that side of the issue now do we?

  9. Wait…I don’t understand what this guy was trying to prove: he and the other adults run up to a bus full of kids and he sees “fear”. Isn’t that what you would normally expect from kids who are being threatened by a gang of rabid adults? I guess it’s a good thing that the bus was full of American kids who are used to seeing mean, insane grownups out in the wild so they weren’t freaked out.

  10. Actually watching the video just kind of reminded me of a scene in one of the Mad Max movies where all the freaks attack a bus because they think it’s full of something important.

  11. If this idiot gets elected, sigh, I don’t know. These people are starting to unnerve me these are children not terrorists. I already called out one of my bartenders at my Legion Post for her comments. I pointed out that being the devout catholic you claim to be means you are going against you own popes statements. So score one for common sense and compassion.

  12. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    “Tweet me in the newsroom about Kwasman and his visions of migrants.”

    Hilarious reporting.

    Can his win be rolled back if it’s shown he was impersonating a person?

  13. Kwasman wasn’t having visions of migrants. He was having hallucinations of migrants.

    Kwasman is an unusual name and I don’t think it’s Native American. I wonder when the migrants in his background arrived.

  14. Marge Wood says:

    I have to say, our grandson had about that much enthusiasm about going to camp. He finally just said if you make me go i will get myself kicked out.

  15. I’m going to believe the children on the bus Adam Kwasman saw really were sad. Deep down, on some level those children knew they would someday inherit a country run by people like Adam Kwasman.

  16. Punkinbugg says:

    Best word to describe these people:


    I don’t know who coined the word, but it fits.

  17. It was the Pinal County sheriff who, a few years back, was keeping a “illegal alien” toyboy in line with threats of deportation. The politician was just an idiot, the Sheriff is downright dangerous.

  18. donquijoterocket says:

    Onion- I’m glad you and other people have straightened that out Pima county is mostly Tucson which is Baja Arizona basically Arizona’s Austin, Boulder, and Lawrence, Kansas. Pinal county is a whole different thing.

  19. Sam in San Antonio says:

    If that were one of my kids on the bus, I’d take a baseball bat to Kwasman and change his attitude quickly. Beyond the humor in this action, he put a busload of kids at risk by his reckless actions.

  20. Kathleen says:

    Thanks for your commentary on this one JJ! I’m embarrassed to say that I live in Arizona, so I often claim Minneapolis where I grew up, but then there’s Michele Bachmann… These “good Christians” are everywhere and it’s stunning what self-absorbed, righteous, outright cruel people they are.

    Arpaio continues to get elected down here and he is nothing more than the worst of all of these jokers packed into one person.

    So happy to see this moron go viral ~ he earned it!

  21. IronCelt says:

    According to this link, Kwasman’s forebears are Jewish, so he is being particularly blind to his own ethnic history in his horror of children fleeing violence.

  22. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    IronCelt, something I’ve never understood is the abused growing up to become the abusers. Yeah, ‘I get’ that abuse beats the empathy out of many people, but I still don’t thoroughly understand the dynamic. I don’t and neither does Bibi Netanyahu or this Adam Kwasman. Luckily for me, unlike them, I had parents who gave me a steady compass on right and wrong.

    Children. Children fleeing poverty and violence, much if not most of it the result of failed American foreign policy.

    What I would prefer to see is welcoming the children. But not at our border with Mexico or with looney nimrods with st00pid signs.

    No, we should not ask these children to make the journey they have made. We have embassies in their countries. We need to process their applications expeditiously and safely fly them here.

    Hey Mr President, the wing nuts want to play. Go get them, sir. No money for crazy states. Put our money in the embassies where it will do the most good.

  23. maryelle says:

    Thanks, Punkinbugg. HATRIOTS!
    During WWII, the people of London welcomed the children fleeing the Nazi invasion into their homes for the duration. How can we refuse to help these refugees? Do these hatriot morons not know the significance of the Statue of Liberty? The whole reason our country exists is to provide hope for the persecuted. We have to stop the hatriots!

  24. I used Kwasman’s website to contact him (well, email the site) and spoke very plainly and firmly about his many mistakes in this. Including, for his edification, links to the actual law involved. I don’t expect he’ll be able to understand anything but the short words, if those, but I felt better when I’d done it.

  25. Teh Gerg says:

    Damfools will never understand that the reason they’re damfools is NOT somebody else’s fault.

  26. Elise Von Holten says:

    Well, being born in Pima County, at Davis Monthan AFB, a very long time ago and growing up in Tucson…I am grateful that I left, worried about some of the people there that I love, and am more firmly convinced than ever that you can’t spell crazy, without AZ…I have no desire to visit, remember, or even think about that place–it was that bad for me growing up there. I’m sorry for the destruction of it’s fragile spaces and sad for anyone caught there. This incident just reaffirms my decision to stay away as the correct one for me. Sad, so sad for the children.
