When You’re Hoping the Third Time Really Is The Charm
Okay, West Colombia, Texas, is spittin’ distance from my house. I have to drive through West Colombia to go to a lot of places I like to go to – Corpus, Victoria, Choke Canyon State Park, Padre Island – a whole lot of places.
Thousands of gallons of oil have spilled from a pipeline in Texas, the third accident of its kind in only a week.
Shell Pipeline, a unit of Royal Dutch Shell Plc, shut down their West Columbia, Texas, pipeline last Friday after electronic calculations conducted by the US National Response Center showed that upwards of 700 barrels had been lost, amounting to almost 30,000 gallons of crude oil.
It was in West Colombia, Texas.
This is the third major oil spill in a week.
This oil flowed right into the Gulf of Mexico, which is on its way to becoming the sewage system of America. It’s full of more crap than a Port-A-Pottie Convention in Poop, Iowa.
I’m not expert at this but I reckon that we are spilling more oil than we are using. I’m beginning to think that these foreign oil companies are about as careful as a wild hog drive.
Honey, we all leak a little oil, but the good ones control the flow. There doesn’t seem to be any flow control nowadays.