When You Wake Up In Aladamnbama

September 28, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, Alabama Republican State Representative (you’re cringing already, huh?) Ed Henry learned to tweet and tweet he did.




First off, I wonder why Ed Henry doesn’t have a last name. Hell, it’s Alabama where everybody has two first names but generally they also have a last name.  If his last name is Henry, then he gets three names, like Eddie Joe Henry or Billy Ed Henry.
Second here is a picture of Ed Henry Something.




Maybe it’s just me, but he kinda looks like he needs to back off the caffeine.

And not to be outdone by Alabama, former Texas Congressman Steve Stockman also tweeted during the debate, adding to the proof that Republicans aren’t sexist.



Classy, boys, real classy.

Thanks to Rufus Firefly and Paul for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “When You Wake Up In Aladamnbama”

  1. Marcia in CO says:

    They truly hate strong, independent women!! I’m sure their Mother’s are extremely proud of these losers!!

    These fools wouldn’t know Class if it walked up them, kneed them in their cheeseballs and slapped them up alongside their heads!!

  2. Do they have any glimmer of an idea that these tweets are viewed by various people high up in the guvmint such as the FBI and the Secret Service? I reckon they just plain damn don’t care! Until an agent or two from one of the aforesaid outfits shows up at the house or their office and the video of that goes viral!

  3. Just got a word from one of my friends about Stockman. He’s coming off sounding like a wife beater. Well, well!

  4. I’m surprised Steve Stockman puts down the Valium long enough to use the Twitter. Shocked and Awed.

  5. So, for the last 8 years they couldn’t use the “N” word, I guess the “B” word is allowed. We are going to hear it a lot for the next four years, and I hope women rise up and make themselves heard that it is NOT acceptable.

  6. When boys are terrified of playing soccer with girls on the other team, imagine how these older boys feel about a woman beating their rePUKEian asses?????? When they say something nasty, I ask is it a rePUKEian talking? Yes!! Then it is most likely a lie!

  7. Accountability is dead.

  8. I was blissfully ignorant that Stockman was still a thing.

  9. That look is not caffeine,—-Its meth.

  10. I’m shocked!
    Twitter connects to Aladamnbama?
    Do they use real birds for in-state transmissions?
    (which would explain many things, including the tweet by Ed Henry)

  11. He has the same twisted dimwit 1000-yard glare that thank-god-hes-former IL Congressjerk Joe Walsh does.

    Which, speaking of names, he should be forced to change his, because we already have a very nice, talented Joe Walsh running around who is cool, funny, makes good music and is 420-friendly. He also backed Tammy Duckworth against his evil namesake.

    Also, there’s already an evil Ed Henry – works for FOX, cheated on his wife, pix of his junk – yadda yadda yadda

  12. Cheryl Ann, the word “bitch” is totally acceptable, in such phrases as “That’s MS Bitch to you, wanker.”

    And remember what it stands for: either Being In Total Control of Herself, or, as in Clinton’s case,


  13. Marcia in CO says:

    I love your explanation, Rhea!!

  14. charles r. phillips says:

    He’s obviously a Yankee…too many teeth. He looks like he was born with an undeveloped twin in his mouth. Maine, maybe, or Oregon. Everybody in them states has way too many teeth.

  15. The hate oozes from these people like garlic after a wonderful Italian meal, and you can smell it over the internet.

  16. JAKvirginia says:

    Marcia in CO and Rhea: Yes!

    Oh, and welcome to the ranks of Bitches! We have your membership cards and “B” pins for you! Wear them with pride.

    (I’m a member of the Male Bitches. Have been for years.)

  17. He must be terribly insecure sexually. When men are afraid of changes in gender-role norms, they act this way. If a man’s ability to have sex is based strictly on patriarchy, not on a woman’s choice to have sex with him, sexually insecure men often are terrified. Who would have sex with Stockman or Ed Henry by choice? This is why they’re so against same-sex marriage; how will they survive in a relationship with an equal?

  18. I highly recommend the Saffire song, “Bitch With a Bad Attitude.” We’ve all had those days, even if we don’t have that man.


    “You sowed a lot of bitch seeds and now it’s harvest time… and you got a bumper crop comin’ in….”

  19. I’ve looked at the ballot a number of times and didn’t see Bill’s name on it. Now, I’m confused. Why are his affairs relevant?

  20. I’ve always heard that a woman is not worth her weight in salt if she can’t be a bitch when necessary.

  21. Poor little boys. They just can’t stand it when a woman is so much stronger and more intelligent than they will ever be. And as that is probably most women I wonder who (what) they married. Just what is the population of sheep in Alabama?

  22. “Boys, I’m In Charge Here.”

    I love it Rhea. I’m telling all my friends. Thanks.

  23. Kate Dungan says:


    Boys I’m Taking Charge Here

  24. Steve Stockman, wasn’t he a pimp before becoming the darling of the Republican Party ?
