When You Find Yourself In a Hole, Keep Digging Because Ted Cruz is Somewhere Beneath You.

February 24, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ted Cruz is moving from “What the Hell?”  to the “Bless His Heart” politician ranking scale.

The sumbitch has doubled down.

When Texas Senator Ted Cruz was accused of counting communists at Harvard, did he make matters better by saying, “I was at a fundraiser, see?  And I needed these people’s money, see?  And I decided to go with the blood of lamb speech and get them all riled up and scared, see?”  No, he did not.

He hid in his hole and let his spokeswoman respond.  You know, like a real man would do.  A real tough man.

Moses Rose

In Texas, when we talk about cowards, we mention Moses Rose, the only man to leave the Alamo when Colonel William B. “Billy Bob” Travis drew a line in the sand. But hellfire, even Moses Rose didn’t send his spokeswoman to do it for him. Which, in my mind, makes him a bigger man than Ted Cruz.

So, while Cruz is off somewhere feeding his ego, the only information we can get about his speech that included communist counting at Harvard was —

His spokeswoman Catherine Frazier told The Blaze website that the “substantive point” in Cruz’s charge, made in a speech in 2010, was “was absolutely correct.”

Holy cow.  That’ll burn your biscuits.

Kinda makes you wonder where else Cruz was counting communists.  I think he can check with Michele Bachman about how many are in Congress, but I don’t feel safe unless we have a total for everywhere.  How many commies work at the Dairy Queen or haunt the hall of hospitals disguised in gowns and masks?  Is it safe to go anywhere?  How ’bout my vet?  Oh dear Lord, is Truman going to a commie vet?

Somebody get Ted a clipboard and a pencil.  He needs to set about commie counting for the safety of America!

(Y’all, I hate to admit this but I didn’t know that there were any commies left.  Honestly, I don’t think there’s any leftover commies in Russia and Castro is pretty damn old and sick.  I thought we had moved on to the Islamic Terrorists to scare people.   Maybe Ted didn’t get the memo.)

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