When You Find Yourself In a Hole, Keep Digging Because Ted Cruz is Somewhere Beneath You.

February 24, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ted Cruz is moving from “What the Hell?”  to the “Bless His Heart” politician ranking scale.

The sumbitch has doubled down.

When Texas Senator Ted Cruz was accused of counting communists at Harvard, did he make matters better by saying, “I was at a fundraiser, see?  And I needed these people’s money, see?  And I decided to go with the blood of lamb speech and get them all riled up and scared, see?”  No, he did not.

He hid in his hole and let his spokeswoman respond.  You know, like a real man would do.  A real tough man.

Moses Rose

In Texas, when we talk about cowards, we mention Moses Rose, the only man to leave the Alamo when Colonel William B. “Billy Bob” Travis drew a line in the sand. But hellfire, even Moses Rose didn’t send his spokeswoman to do it for him. Which, in my mind, makes him a bigger man than Ted Cruz.

So, while Cruz is off somewhere feeding his ego, the only information we can get about his speech that included communist counting at Harvard was —

His spokeswoman Catherine Frazier told The Blaze website that the “substantive point” in Cruz’s charge, made in a speech in 2010, was “was absolutely correct.”

Holy cow.  That’ll burn your biscuits.

Kinda makes you wonder where else Cruz was counting communists.  I think he can check with Michele Bachman about how many are in Congress, but I don’t feel safe unless we have a total for everywhere.  How many commies work at the Dairy Queen or haunt the hall of hospitals disguised in gowns and masks?  Is it safe to go anywhere?  How ’bout my vet?  Oh dear Lord, is Truman going to a commie vet?

Somebody get Ted a clipboard and a pencil.  He needs to set about commie counting for the safety of America!

(Y’all, I hate to admit this but I didn’t know that there were any commies left.  Honestly, I don’t think there’s any leftover commies in Russia and Castro is pretty damn old and sick.  I thought we had moved on to the Islamic Terrorists to scare people.   Maybe Ted didn’t get the memo.)

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0 Comments to “When You Find Yourself In a Hole, Keep Digging Because Ted Cruz is Somewhere Beneath You.”

  1. Ralph Wiggam says:

    McCarthyism started in 1950 with the “I have a list” speech. It ended in 1954 with a censure from the Senate.

    In the election of 1954 Democrats gained control of the House and Senate. They held the Senate for 26 years and the House for 40 years.

    I know it’s gonna hurt, but we gotta keep Ted alive for at least one election cycle, maybe two.

  2. Well it looks like Ted the Terrible and Louie the Loon are about the only two left on the “commie pinko trail”….YEEHAW kids, get under your desks and kiss your butt adios, mofo~”the commies and muslins are comin'”

  3. FW from VA says:

    Ted Cruz (and to a somewhat lesser extent Marco Rubio) is Exhibit A to support the case for ending the Cuban wet foot/dry foot policy.

  4. I guess we know the true measure of Ted. He needs to get into the year 2013 and pick another monster under the bed.

    And I’m with Ralph. Ted is definitely someone who is arrogant enough to ignore history—-and repeat it mindlessly.

  5. As long as it gets him press…

    Cruz is going to keep his mouth going.

  6. I bet Ted is the one true hero that will be able to correctly connect the dots – Muslim Commies.

  7. Why did he stay? If it were so terrible, why did he stay?
    He could have gone to Liberty U or other well know conservative colleges.

    I think people should DEMAND he names names. He needs to take ownership of his remarks.
    He should not be able to get away with what he is doing. he is

    He is the new sleazy republican kid on the block.

  8. Wasn’t it Alan West who was counting “card carrying communists” in congress? He didn’t last long.

  9. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    I don’t know about Communists (or communists if there is a difference between the ones with a capital ‘C’ compared to the ordinary kind) and the same goes for Socialists (and socialists). This raises a small question in my mind because I don’t know if Steve Earle was using a capital ‘S’ or not when he came to town last year and among other things urged the crowd to support President Obama for re-election. One of the things he said was that he is sure that Obama is not a socialist because he (Steve Earle) IS a socialist and Obama isn’t anything like him.

  10. All those Florida Cuban-Americans are hardcore anti-communist Republicans who glorify “what they think they had” before they were forced to flee to the US. Then they spread out to other parts of the US, but their mindset has always been the same. I’m with FW from VA…. that policy needs to be reviewed. Remember that little boy, Elian (Gonzales?)whats-his-name, and all the turmoil that happened in that community back during that process over Janet Reno’s returning the child to his Cuban father? Cubanos do not like Democrats, so I figure our fire-in-the-belly Senator has been festering for years to get back at the party. I am sure he sees himself as riding a white horse, going into battle for all those who have suffered long and hard in Cuba at the hand of Communists. He’s just smart, and learned how to do Texas redneck speak….which doesn’t include speaking Spanish.

    I hear that Cruz had Cornyn by the canoogies prior to the Tx Primaries. As head of that Republican National Senate Campaign Committee, Cornyn could have directed money into the Dewhurst campaign, but he did not. Now Cornyn is Ted’s best friend, and taking identical positions in the hope that he will not “be primaried by someone more Conservative”. That’s my theory and I’m stickin’ to it.

  11. I assume the commies he’s finding are also gay Muslims who vote Democrat.

  12. Cruz i supposed to be a brainiac. Or at least that’s what I have heard from some people on The Hill. He is running his mouth off to at least catch up with Rubio’s celebrity. Unfortunately he can’t do much running with his foot in his mouth! He’ll find that out eventually.

  13. ….and have free abortions through Planned Parenthood.

  14. Robin Frazier says:

    I see Catherine Frazier(no relation) has jumped from Perry to Cruz or maybe she is really a lover of stupidity and is working for both. She is State Sen Troy Frazier’s wife. Troy is one of the guys who helps make Slick Rick rich.

  15. Ted Crudz is Washington, Dee Cee’s Kim Kardashian. He will do anything to get attention. He reminds me of the prosecutor, played by George C. Scott, in “Anatomy of a Murder,” a smart man but downright evil.

  16. You’re probably on his list, JJ.

  17. Ellen Childress says:

    Is anybody besides me watching Rachel Maddow skewer these tea potty idiots on national television? It’s truly a news program worth watching along with Jon Stewart. I doubt if Ted Cruz knows who McCarthy was. So much goes right over the heads of these strange people. There is an awful lot of wrong things going on right now. We have been considering whether or not a tall fence could be put around D.C. and Austin and the gates padlocked. That might leave the rest of us in relative peace for a little while. It’s scary to think about how people with such small, narrow minds and dull brains got into public office and are telling their betters what to do.

  18. I was wondering why no one is asking to see his birth certificate. Is Texas now importing the crazies??
