When You Absolutely Really and Truly Run Out Of Things To Worry About

August 05, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Picken’s County GOP comes to your rescue.

You need to call the Crayola Crayon company today because they have Ramadan – which means Sharia Law – on their website.

Recall that Muslims consider Ramadan the “month of jihad” and “month of victory” over infidels. Crayola should remind kids not to try and draw Muhammad lest their parents need to fend off Muslims and enter witness relocation – like the creator of Everyone Draw Muhammad Day – since the FBI nor anyone else will protect them.

Christmas trees and bunnies abound but a search for the Bible returned zero results.

I found this honest to gosh picture of the Pickens County GOP primary election night watch.

Oddly, if they had a box of crayons, they would only need one color.

Thanks to Rick for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “When You Absolutely Really and Truly Run Out Of Things To Worry About”

  1. The non-stop fear created and encouraged by the GOP is a danger to our nation….

  2. I’m confused. I did a Google search for Perkins County, Texas, and Google can’t find it.

    Where you reckon it is?

    However, I did find something interesting on their website. Somebody (author, comedian, idiot) is going around asking people if they will sign a petition for the “mandatory euthanasia of the elderly” “as is called for in Obamacare”.

    Even bigger idiots are signing the darned thing. These are Gohmert’s constituents…….. aren’t they? Almost have to be, I would think.

  3. Cheryl Ann says:

    The comments on the article are interesting. Not all of Georgia agrees.

  4. RepubAnon says:

    Truly the GOP has stood Winston Churchill’s famous quote on its head: the only thing the GOP fears is the LACK of fear among its constituents.

  5. So stupid it hurts.

  6. My apologies to everybody, especially JJ.

    I don’t know how I turned “Pickens” into “Perkins” but I did.

    I suspect that old people’s thing called arthritis may have been a contributing factor. Fingers just aren’t as nimble as they used to be.

    So, these are real people, in a real county,…. someplace.

    If they aren’t represented by Louie, it’s a Louie-type.
    What did Charlie Rangel recently call them? Ah I know “crackers”. I like that.

  7. Umptydump says:

    Oh, Miemaw, you’re having a bad day. These folks are in Georgia, hon!

  8. Ted Powell says:

    Miemaw wrote: So, these are real people, in a real county,…. someplace.

    I followed the link in the article. Right at the top of the page, it says, “Pickens GOP Georgia”. Google led me to the Pickens County, Georgia Wikipedia page. There’s a map showing where in Georgia the county is. It’s part of the Atlanta metropolitan area.

  9. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Do these people not know about ‘Teh Google’? Ramadan is not the “month of jihad” and “month of victory” over infidels. It’s more like Lent. You know, when Christians self sacrifice & meditate over Jesus’ sacrifice for us? Islam and Judaism do the same.

    Ignorance by choice is laziness, wrapped in fear, driven by propaganda.

    Good Grief.

  10. Defintely…… they are “Crackers”.

  11. Definitely…… they are “Crackers”.

  12. Good grief is correct. Republicans seem to have no problem showing off their stupidity in public. Apparently they are never embarrassed.

  13. OK kids, lets get out our crayons & coloring books. Don’t forget, it’s very important to stay within the lines as you fill in the colors of your drawings. And if you have any questions about whether you are properly in line, we have a representative of the Pickens Georgia GOP here to help you determine that….

  14. mike from iowa says:

    RepubAnon-that quote was from FDR’s first innauguration,if memory serves.

  15. CerealCitySue says:

    Thinking about boxes of crayons…colors…stuff like that:

    This is the time of year when I always start to think of new boxes of crayons. BIG new boxes of crayons! I always needed a BIG box of crayons because that was the only way to get my favorite color, Prussian Blue. I was an odd child.

    My sister was unusual in a different way. She did not just speak Truth to Power, she spoke Truth to Everyone. One of her truthful statements was: “White? Why do they call us White people? Why don’t they call us Pink people?” Another: “Flesh? Why is this crayon called ‘Flesh’? Flesh comes in lots of different colors. Why aren’t there lots of different colors of crayons called ‘Flesh?'”

    Now, she was my Little Sister, saying these things when she was 6 or 7 years old, so I thought, “where do you come up with these weird ideas?” I was 9 or 10, after all, and not very tolerant of *mere children*. But now I can’t stop thinking about what a difference these little changes might make. I particularly love the thought of neo-Nazi rallys with people marching in favor of “Pink Power!” And maybe if people (even Pink People) grew up realizing that there are lots of different colors of Flesh some of us would not still be freaking out every time we look at our President. My little sister. A woman ahead of her time.
