When We All Get To Heaven, What a Day of Rejoicing That Will Be. When We All See Mike Huckabee, We’ll Sing and Shout the Victory!
We have a State Senator named Dan Patrick. He’s kinda creepy.
There’s a little personal story involved here for me. When I wrote for the newspaper, my counterpart was the ultra rightwing Jon Matthews. Matthews also had a radio show on Station KSEV in Houston. Matthews was seriously popular in the Houston market and used to talk about how he had to “take a shower” after being around me. Which made me kinda proud. I had that cold shower reaction from a lot of guys.
If I had come out in favor of apple pie, he would have claimed it was communist apple pie.
Anyway, after years of putting up with this jerk attacking me and Bill Clinton on the radio, he gets arrested. Oh yeah, he’s exposing himself to little girls. Come to find out, it’s not the first incident but Jon was so powerful that the families of these little girls did not want to go up against him. One finally did.
Jon got probation but violated the probation and got sent to the big house for three years. He was having online fantasies about sex with a three year old boy while on probation. That’s some sick stuff for a guy who called Bill Clinton a serial rapist.
I didn’t go nanny nanny boo boo when Jon plead guilty because for gosh sake there was an injured child involved. Nor did I gloat when Jon violated his probation because he’s obviously a very sick man.
However, what bothered me most about this whole situation was the number of rightwing Republicans who openly told me that they “knew all along” that Jon was an alcoholic and “did some crazy sexual things.” I don’t think they were trying to look like insiders. I think they were telling the truth.
I came apart like a $3 suitcase at the bus station. “Why didn’t y’all DO something!” I literally screeched.
The reason always came down to — he was popular and he was getting “our message” out there.
That was the day I realized that God help me I hate rightwing Republicans. Hate them. Not what they do, but them personally. I know it’s wrong. But, if you’re willing to sacrifice a man and little children on the alter of morality and judgement then I chose to freekin’ hate you. How many children were they willing to sacrifice for a popular radio show? We don’t know because the guy was 61 years old when he went to prison so there could have been hundreds.
Okay, so what does this have to do with Dan Patrick? Dan Patrick owns KSEV Radio. I do not know if he was one of the Republicans who knew Jon was a deeply troubled man. I’m sure that Jon hid it well from his boss. But, they worked together and shared political and moral philosophies.
Anyway, what makes all this long story kinda come together is that Dan Patrick is running for Lt. Governor against a large field of rightwing Republicans including the incumbent David Dewhurst.
And Dan Patrick got a major endorsement today.
Yep. Captain of The Jesus Squad, Mike Huckabee, wants Dan Patrick to be Lt. Governor of Texas.
Dan Patrick holding the most powerful political position in Texas? Game on, Radio Boy.