When The Last Teardrop Falls

March 08, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Supreme Court has ended the Trump lawsuit appeal chances.

The Supreme Court on Monday denied a bid by former President Trump to nullify his electoral loss in Wisconsin, rejecting the former president’s final pending appeal over the results of the 2020 election. 

Wisconsin expanded absentee voting due to the pandemic. Trump took it to court and even his own Supreme Court refused to hear it.

But, that does’t mean that States aren’t going to try to help Trump.  Georgia, for example, is going to try to destroy no excuse absentee voting.

In 2005, Georgia Republicans passed a bill expanding voting rights to include no-excuse absentee voting. Republicans heavily supported it until Democrats started using it. Now, Republicans don’t want anyone to use it.

There’s also some bills being introduced in Texas cutting back on voting rights, but just those that Democrats use.

And speaking of Texas – here’s one that won’t wait ’till Friday.



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0 Comments to “When The Last Teardrop Falls”

  1. Greg Abbott – Cult leader of the Branch Kovidians, headquartered in Whacko, Texas.

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Abbott’s cult is Kovidiots.
    Abbott of course is already saying any increase in the rate of infections in Texas is Biden’s fault for sending sick immigrants to attack his state. Of course the repugnantican voters will buy that.
    As for the supremes, whacko my pillow guy says he’s preparing a lawsuit for the supreme court to throw out Biden’s election win. This guy has visions of grandeur. Anyone working for the my pillow factory really should be looking for another job.

  3. I imagine anyone currently working for the whacko pillow factory guy will find before long that they are working for the Dominion voting machine bunch.

  4. Grandma Ada says:

    What has happened to Chris Hollins? He did such a good job with the Harris County 2020 vote. I hope he landed somewhere to help voters!

  5. State efforts to further suppress voting make HB 1(the For the People Act)/S1 and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act even more important. Call your Rep & Senators and tell them to vote yes on both (even though the Rs won’t).

  6. The cartoon above:

    21st century version of a social disease.
