When Sprinkling Just Won’t Do
Okay, this story comes out to Tennessee, the birthplace of many a high IQ tales. This story is contained in a recently filed lawsuit.
Back about last February between 10 – 11 pm, Shandle Marie Riley dropped by a convenience store and bought some cigarettes and gas. She then drove to a friend’s home where her minor daughter was visiting.

Shandle Riley
Deputy Daniel Wilkey had followed her from the convenience store to the driveway of the friend’s home. Deputy Wilkey ordered Shandle out of her car and told her that he believed she possessed methamphetamines.
According to Shandle, Deputy Wilkey searched “every area of her body,” including asking her to reach under her shirt “and pull out her bra and shake the bra and shirt.” Shandle requested that a female officer be present for this but Wilkey said that wasn’t required.
This story hasn’t even gotten weird yet.
Deputy Wilkey asked if Shandle had anything illegal in her car. She admitted that she had a “roach” in a pack of cigarettes and gave it to him. He continued the search but found nothing.
He then asked her if she was saved and believed in Jesus.
Okay, it’s starting to get weird.
The lawsuit goes on to say Wilkey told Riley that “God was talking to him during the vehicle search, and [he] felt the Lord wanted him to baptize the plaintiff.,” and said that he felt “the spirit.”
Wilkey then told Riley to get towels inside the home for a baptism, and said he would issue her only a criminal citiation for marijuana and not take her to jail, according to the lawsuit. Riley says she got the towels, and followed Wilkey in his patrol car, not saying where he was taking her. Riley says she was afraid to ignore Wilkey and not do as he commanded.
So he takes her to the closest lake and asked another male deputy to meet them there, explaining that they needed a witness for the baptism to be “valid.”
The lawsuit says Wilkey then stripped down to his boxer shorts, and gave Riley the option to remove her clothes, which she declined. It says Wilkey then led her to waist deep, cold water, put one hand on her back and the other on her breasts, and submerged her underwater for “several moments.” At this moment, Riley says she “felt horribly violated.”
And totally creeped out, I imagine.
Wilkey issued her a citation for a tinted window violation and license tag obstruction, and says she admitted to having “a joint” in her car.
He didn’t mention the baptism.
The boys …
I don’t know this for a fact, but I think they need to pay for this story that they tell on every deer hunt, football game, bar hopping, and cop reunion.
The lawsuit is seeking $1,000,000 in compensatory damages and $10,000,000 in punitive damages. That sounds about fair.
Thanks to AlanInAustin for the heads up.