When One is Not Enough
Fort Bend County Sheriff Troy Nehls has taken down his threatening Facebook post and is hiding out.
The owners of the truck have not.
The woman responsible for the “F–Trump” bumper sticker added a new decal on her white truck — this time referencing Fort Bend County Sheriff Troy Nehls, according to her Facebook post.
Your move, sheriff.
Sheriff, you know that exploratory committee you formed to test the waters for your congressional race? They need to start hunting for your brain instead.
I had an indignant Republican neighbor ask me last night, “what am I suppose to tell my niece if she sees that word on that truck?” Well, I suspect the same thing you say to her when she sees it on a bathroom wall or, if you want to play haughty with me, when the President speaks about women and uses the p word.
Thanks to everybody for the heads up.