When Math Attacks

February 10, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Scott Walker is such a tool.

“I remember, I was a teenager, had just become a teenager and voted for Ronald Reagan — limited government, you know, smaller government, lower taxes, strong national defense. You knew what you were getting. You knew how a Reagan administration, a Reagan presidency was going to be better for you.”

Screen Shot 2014-02-10 at 2.02.28 PMScott Walker was born on November 2, 1967.

Ronald Reagan was elected in November of 1980.

Do the math.

No, seriously, do it.

Yep, lower taxes were a big thing for me at 13.  I was paying waaaaaay too many taxes at 13.  So I insisted on voting.

Thanks to Craig for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “When Math Attacks”

  1. VeeGee in VT says:

    Can these bozos just not help lying? Are they pretty sure their ‘base’ can do the math? Duh, I guess they just count on that.

  2. I think Truman’s comment about Nixon applies to Walker too.
    “He’d lie just to keep his hand in”

  3. Boy Howdy! The Rethug primary is going to be a BLAST!

  4. Karla Furr says:

    I say this every time I have an opportunity,when I see something about Scott Walker(it’s not an original with me,I saw it somewhere and loved it,perhaps at Juanita Jean’s!):
    Scott Walker looks like something the dog keeps under the porch.
    And I will add,has anyone else noticed his very great resemblance to Richard Nixon?

  5. There’s your voter fraud right there!

  6. daChipster says:

    What’s more, he STILL wasn’t old enough to vote for Reagan’s re-election in 1984. I’m with Barb in DC, it’s going to be a fun season. Starting just after the 2014 mid terms, the public phase of 2016 will begin.

    I’m gonna need more popcorn and gin.

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Holy Gomerts! The lying, cheating, grifter gohmerts are falling out of the clown car, before it can leave the Campaign Trail parking lot. It’s a parking lot with no exits and ditches on all four sides. Expect the clown car to have four missing wheels and two broken axles, after repeated dives into the ditches. Can’t shake the image of $Rmoney’s cold white greedy hands clinging to the roof of the car in a desperate last attempt to ride out his 47% cluster gohmert. Who’s next? Snowbilly Snookie hiking up her skirt to hitch a ride?

    Forget the popcorn. We’ll need fresh drinks and appetizers for this Gomertapaloser.

  8. Funny thing… when I was 13, I was working a summer job at a ‘retirement home’ washing pots and pans in the kitchen. Was paid $2.35/hr back then… and for a 13 year old, that was a LOT of money, even if they took out taxes and Social Security.

    The first election I voted in? 1980, of course. But not for Reagan, but for John Anderson.

  9. The Republican base does not have enough fingers and toes to be able to subtract 67 from 80. He’s pretty safe from discovery.

  10. I used to rush home to watch the last Republican primary debates. They gave Jon Stewart and Colbert a run for the money, as to good comedy. Looks like the next ones is going to be just as entertaining – especially as the Republican party tries hard to walk that tightrope between center right and crazy.

  11. I was reading his statement, not even knowing his birthday, and was struck by one comment: “I was a teenager, had just become a teenager and voted for Ronald Reagan…” Now, in my neck of the woods, teenager either begins at 10 or 13, depending on the personal definition. I’ve never heard anyone say that an 18-year-old had “just become a teenager.”

    Now knowing his birthday, half of his statement was correct. He had just become a teenager (13 years old) when Ronald Reagan was elected president. The half where he “voted,” unless it was something other than a mock election in school, is bunkum.

  12. maryelle – you’ve got that right! Walker was one the Republicans who pushed through a draconian voter I.D. law in Wisconsin. No doubt because he knew from personal experience how easy it was for a 13 year old to cast his vote in the 1980 election.

    I hope the Reagan administration made 8th grade a lot better for young Scotty boy – – because he sure knew what he was gonna get.

  13. Dan Up North says:

    It is admirable that at 13 Scotty was thinking about smaller government while I was thinking about girls and baseball, not necessarily in that order.

    There are so many “real” draconian things that we can criticize Walker for, but this isn’t one of them.

  14. Corinne Sabo says:

    He voted at 13? Where was Voter ID then?

  15. Marcia in CO says:

    Geez … Scotty is such a friggen tool! Ugh!! And his eyes don’t track right either!!

  16. Now that Christie has imploded, Scott Walker is one of the few “moderate” gop types running for POTUS. I really hopes that our friends in Wisconsin defeat Walker in 2014

  17. I keep reading about Voter fraud committed by Republicans. Is this another case of it?

  18. And another one bites the dust after smoking the drapes!

    No Rethug primary should kick off without a pee in the cup qualification.

  19. What a lying sack of ghomert.

  20. He took lessons from St. Ronnie – make up your lie and stick with it. There was an entire sub-genre of news devoted to documenting the fake stories Reagan told.

  21. daChipster: Gin and popcorn! My Man!

    Seriously, Scott Walker has so much baggage that the Opposition Research people will only have to read Charlie Pierce’s blog at Esquire.com. The Fed investigations into his recall campaign efforts are ongoing.

    A Tee and then a Hee.

  22. TalG: Yay John Anderson…I voted for him, too! Re little Scottie Walker: NEVER forget that he got all goofy on the phone when a radio personality pretended to be one of the Kochs…he was giddy with joy. He’s so oily he should watch himself around any drains. (I was born in WI many years ago; read The Progressive which my mom, a Badger herself, had in the house always…she is gone now, but she would NOT recognize WI as her beloved state.) I forget what Chas. Pierce calls WI, but it is deeply ironic–

  23. Larry McLaughlin says:

    Is Walker aware Reagan raised taxes 13 times?

  24. It sound like another instance of Republican voter fraud. Most 13 year old guys are worried about sports and discovering that girls don’t have cooties.

  25. TalG and Jeanne: count me in as an Anderson voter too– my first voting election. When I was 13, I campaigned for McGovern, but I knew I couldn’t vote for him at that age.

  26. Even with the 1984 election, he would’ve had to commit voter fraud to vote for Reagan. Nice confession, Spott. Oh, you lied? Nice confesson, Spott.

  27. It’s not even math, it’s simple arithmetic. My family was very politically aware. Starting when I was 15, I carried petitions door to door (yes, that’s how it was done in olden times) so that 18-year-olds, who were dying in droves in Vietnam, would get the right to vote.

    I turned 18 in June of 1972, and starting that November, have voted in every election, primary and general, since. In 1972, I was one of the first teenagers to vote. Against Nixon. We lost.
