When Egos and Aqua Velva Converge

October 04, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so we have Donald Trump, who should be the equipment manager for insanity as a lifestyle.

Then we have Julian Assange, the founder of wikileaks, who should just admit that he’s Donald Trump without money.

I would like to offer proof.

Trump’s people have spent a week living for today.  They just knew that Assange was going to release a “bombshell” on Clinton in the wee hours of the morning that was going to make up for Trump having the self-made worst week in the history of anybody running for office.



Old conservative white men really shouldn’t get that excited without a crash cart standing by.

So Assange makes the gathered press wait two hours (sound familiar?) before he walks out and drops his bombshell: he has a new book and he wants you to buy it.

This come straight from Breitbart soaring on the wings of broken hearts:


The press got played once again by men who whose egos thrive by shouting FIRE! in a crowded theater.

I am so torn with wanting this to be over but being flabbergasted by it all the same.

Okay, it can be over.  I’m fine with that.


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