When Bad Things Happen to Really Bad People

March 03, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, Roy Moore is broke.  He’s having to beg for money because he “can barely make ends meet” and he has staggering legal bills.

Writing on Facebook Moore raged, “I have lawyers who want to help but they are not without cost and besides their fees, legal expenses could run over $100,000. The liberal media, in association with some who want to destroy our country do not want my influence in the 2018 elections and are doing everything they can to stop me.

“Gays, lesbians, and transgenders have joined forces with those who believe in abortion, sodomy, and destruction of all that we hold dear. Unless we stand together we will lose our country,” he added as an inducement to get help paying his bills.

I hope you guys are fully ashamed of what you have done with your sodomite destruction of dear things that Roy is holding.  Or, maybe you’re giggling like me.

Let’s send Roy our thoughts and prayers.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up. 

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0 Comments to “When Bad Things Happen to Really Bad People”

  1. Thoughts and prayers and the horse he rode in on.

  2. Let me get this straight. Roy is busted and he cannot understand why hordes of people are not stepping up on his behalf with their hard earned cash. Well, Roy, its because you are toxic. So toxic red Alabama elected a Democrat for the first time in a generation. They do not want to get anywheres close to you lest the toxicity claims them, too.

  3. WA Skeptic says:

    Aaah–the Karma Bus has arrived. And it couldn’t happen to a more deserving P.O.S.

    Maybe he can go on SS and try to survive on that instead of mooching off others.

  4. Oh, he has my thoughts and prayers.

    Probably not the ones he wants, but he certainly has them.

  5. Sam in St Paul says:

    Sadly, he can’t get a job at the mall.

  6. I thought and prayered him just now. It was very satisfying. His oh-so-sad plea was on “Judge Roy Moore for U.S. Senate.” I’m sure he’d appreciate more thoughts and prayers.

    As for Sassy, she probably would appreciate a few thoughts and prayers too and maybe the Humane Society of America coming in to rescue her.

  7. Jane & PKM says:

    For those of us who would not trust anyone with 500 miles of Roy Moore with our personal information, you can print out these:


    You could send Roy thoughts & prayers from those who think like him; maybe Ted Bundy, for instance or Dotard45.

  8. And while you’re on his Facebook page giving him your thoughts and prayers, do stick around long enough to read the comments. They are priceless!

  9. Karen Crosby says:

    I am giggling like you

  10. Something more substantial than thoughts and prayers – A dozen frozen urine balls.

  11. Well, since some “friend” sent a twenty-five dollar donation in my name to the Foundation for (Im)Moral Law, I did increase my monthly payment to the Southern Poverty Law Center. I still get these whining missives on occasion stating how those mean ol’ liberals are treating the “good christians.” Kayla Moore runs the show – Roy’s daughter. The old cliche about the (rotten) apple not falling far from the tree…. There is a good deal of satisfaction to watch these (don’t know what word to insert here – don’t want to insult Neanderthals, cretins, et al) twist in the wind. Maybe some of you could help.

  12. Papa: that ought to be Thoughts and Prayers FOR the horse he rode in on.

  13. I had a mom and a mother in law. I have sisters and sisters in law. I have a sweet little bride and daughters and daughters in law.

    Yeah as a matter of fact I have a thought or two and a prayer for ole Roy. If you know what I mean. And I think you do.

  14. Croc tears streaming down my face…..

  15. That Other Jean says:

    Dear (well, not really) Roy,

    If you didn’t hate quite so many people, maybe quite so many people wouldn’t hate you.

    Love (sort of)

  16. neighborm says:

    Memo to Roy: Check with Jared. He had lots of sources who could provide you with the cash you need. Hope you are able to maintain your horse.

  17. Maymoon says:

    Where are all his supporters now? maybe trump can help, giggling… by the way NO thoughts and prayers from me.

  18. Maybe Judge Roy Moore wouldn’t have so many enemies joining forces if he wasn’t a pedophile. It’s another way he might consider the predicament in which he finds himself. Self inflicted.

  19. J7915:
    Actually, I didn’t mean to include the innocent horse standing by this vile old geezer. Should have read: Thought and Prayers and *&!$ you, Roy, but not your noble horse.

  20. Rick,

    You could add racist, hypocrite and religious loon.

  21. Whenever a friend of mine gets these begging letters from the RW, he makes out a check to them and writes “thoughts and prayers” in the amount space. Hasn’t had one get cashed yet.

  22. Papa, yes.

    It looks like Roy Moore should be well acquainted with what happens when the forces of racism, hypocrisy, lunacy, and pedophilia all join together. You’d think he’d understand how difficult it is to stand up against such a combined influence on moral decadence in this country.

    Or in his neck of the woods anyway.

  23. Someplace around this dump I have a jar of worthless East German coins. HMMM?

  24. Sandridge says:

    “Let’s send Roy our thoughts and prayers.”
    How about we send good ol’ Roy, Donnei, and the rest of the GOPervs some MAGA hats stuffed full of prime, ripened horse and bullshit? And a big spoon (ESADMFs)…

  25. maryelle says:

    Wow, Bud, frozen urine balls wins the day. By the time they get there from PA, well, let’s just say the truth will out.

  26. Moore’s country is 1950’s Alabama, I wish they would just secede. I’m tired of supporting their sorry asses.

  27. WA Skeptic says:

    @ dbtexas says: How about “Sanctimonious hypocrites”? Or “Pious hypocrites”? And then there’s my favorite “Whited Sepulchres”–just about the only swear word the Nazarene Carpenter uttered.

  28. slipstream says:

    Trump: 407 days in office, 100 of them at golf courses.

    Be sure to watch the video of Trump promising that, if elected, he would not have time to play golf:


  29. Sandridge says:

    slipstream, Here’s ‘The Trump Golf Count website’ link for y’all:

    tRump lie#24688:
    ‘Back in August 2016, candidate Trump said “I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf.”’


  30. Buttermilk Sky says:

    I guess Alabama rescinded Roy’s $130,000 a year pension if he has to beg like a common panhandler. Good for you, Alabama!

  31. Y’all have done a pretty good job of shredding Roy Moore where he stands, so not much for me to add except that I hope he catches fire and burns to a greasy little pile of ash where he stands. As long as he’s not anywhere near the horse.

    Just chiming in on Donny and golfing– yeah, it’s another way he shows up as a towering hypocrite and liar, but frankly, do you want him in DC instead of on a golf course? Granted he’s wasting millions of dollars of taxpayer money, but he could be doing worse if he were actually “working.”

  32. Tilphousia says:

    Can’t stop giggling. Poor ole Roy boy. Hated by just about everyone who knows him. And deserved. Giggle. But I really feel bad for Sassy. Anyone know if she’s in protective custody?

  33. I have several thoughts…..
    1. Roy Moore did something immoral and possibly illegal and he wants Others to pay his legal bills?
    What about all the ‘personal responsibility crap the republicans spout?
    2. I will pray to God, that he never runs for public office again and that the girls he molested get justice.
    3. Karma. Karma is a great lady. She will make sure that Roy Moore gets EVERYTHING he deserves.
    4. He can get a damn job just like you or I would have to do if we found ourselves in financial difficulty.
    And that is the last thought Roy Moore will get from me.

  34. The market drop has sucked all the value out of my “thoughts and prayers” and I am all out of F**KS to give, even the one I put away for a snowy day.

    Sorry Roy.

  35. e platypus onion says:

    He’s got horses, so he won’t starve. He only answers to god so maybe he ought to hit him/her/it for some mammon.

    He is still being treated nicer than he treated Gays and minorities.

    If he gets desperate for drive out dining, he can toodle over to Kentucky and chow down on Kim Davis. They’re soul mates.

  36. Hey y’all, here’s one address to send those thoughts and prayers checks to the very needy Judge Moore:
    Foundation for Moral Law
    PO Box 4086
    Montgomery, AL 36103-4086

    If anyone has a better address please post it. Thanks!

  37. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    We all know the saying “person who represents himself in court has a fool for a client.” Moore is a lawyer – an unemployed lawyer with lots of spare time – that should be able to represent himself without pimping his minions yet again. After all, he is a complete & utter fool. S

  38. Pablo:
    Imho, Alabama needs a wall around it, to keep Roy and his supporters in.

  39. Diane: Now if Lady karma will just start messing with the WH…

  40. Charles R Phillips says:

    A REALLLLLLY strange idea–my favorite kind: get every member of the LGBTQ community to send him a dime.

    Wouldn’t THAT put his tail in a knot, as my Granny used to say?

  41. Whole truckload of thoughts and prayers for this hypocrite!

  42. e platypus onion says:

    Send Moore some Canadian coins. Banks around here won’t accept them. Moore could get free healthcare in Canada and Canadian bears aren’t the least bit particular who or what your political values are when they eat you.

  43. Lunargent says:

    What’sa matter, Roy? God ain’t providin’?
    Maybe you oughta pray on it.

  44. Off subject abit but anyone watch WV Senate screw up on teachers pay raises? They actually “Passed” the one sent up by house by ACCIDENT.
    Go look.

  45. UmptyDump says:

    Ol’ Roy could bend over and try to sell the only asset (!) he still has, but I doubt there would be any takers, even among those whom he so despises.

  46. 100K ameros won’y buy much lawyering these days.


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  1. Let's Send Roy Moore Our Thoughts And Prayers – NEWSFUZZ 03 03 18
  2. Let's Send Roy Moore Our Thoughts And Prayers – Liberal View News 04 03 18