WHCA Kicks OAN out of WH Briefings

April 02, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Uncategorized

Several acronyms, yes?  WHCA is White House Correspondents Association which governs the press pool at the WH (White House).  Who’s OAN?  One America News, which is a Trumpist propaganda website which is worse than Fox Noise and even Breitbart.  How’s that even possible?  It takes a lot of effort keeping the rage machine whipped up, but OAN does a great job fabricating fake scandals and conspiracy theories to generate clicks and garner Trump’s praise.  They OAN reporter in the middle of this controversy at the WH actually traveled WITH Rudy Giuliani to Ukraine taping a documentary hit piece about the made up Biden/Clinton “scandal” in Ukraine.  Yeah.  That one.

Said reporter, Chanel Rion, refused twice to follow press room social distancing procedures for the daily Coronavirus press briefing Trump political rally.  Rion is the one who tosses softballs to Trump on a regular basis.  Currently, only about 12 reporters are allowed in the press room in order to keep enough space between each person.  Standing along the wall is not allowed.  Rion, personal pet of Trump, has ignored these rules and come to every briefing, refusing to leave when asked.  The WHCA board voted to boot out OAN from the press pool for that reason.

Key the rage machine in 3, 2, 1.

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0 Comments to “WHCA Kicks OAN out of WH Briefings”

  1. The Surly Professor says:

    Remember Jeff Gannon in the Bush Part 2 presidency? Remember the good old days when everyone thought that was the most astonishing combination of outrageous and ridiculous? We thought that Bush the Second was as bad as it could get, but Trump turns it up to 11.

    For any youngun’s here at the Salon:


  2. Jane & PKM says:

    El Jefe, Covidiot* 45 declared this pandemic to be his* “war.” Guess that included stocking his* very own* Tokyo Roses in the form of OAN and Chanel Rion. Meanwhile the role of Baghdad Bob is being filled by Scam Ham Hannity over at Fatherland Not the News. Good on the WHCA for removing one of the roses. Now if only the networks would cease airing Donnie’s* daily campaign rallies. Or, at a minimum cut his* mic, show his* head in only a small box, and devote the major portion of the screen to fact checking his* lies in real time.

    Ironic. Should Donnie* ultimately be the cause of the return of the Fairness Doctrine along with the needed updates to deal with parts of the technology sector like Facebook and Twitter. Hey Moscow Mitch and Republicons, how are you loving that guy* now?

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    The Surly Professor @1, thank you, sir and please stand by! Can foresee a number of history lessons coming our way beginning circa 1920 ‘thanks’ to Covidiot* 45, his* maladministration and Republicons. A veritable speeding freight train of lessons we failed to learn from history.

    Say what anyone will about Speaker Pelosi, but we need to stand behind her and support her efforts to jam 2020 mail-in ballot election legislation down Moscow Mitch’s next ‘stimulus’ package.

  4. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Now we know what it takes to get the WHCA to grow some cojones — fear for their own health and safety.

    (Golf clap.)

  5. Karen Ripple says:

    I knew he had some ringers in there. That’s probably why #clustertrump was trending yesterday. It’s my favorite new word!

  6. thatotherjean says:

    Good for the White House Correspondents’ Association! One fewer health-and-safety defier to worry about. That she’s also a MAGAt is a bonus.

  7. Grandma Ada says:

    By having her create this issue, it takes time away from journalists to ask important questions. We know they have no information on the virus, so why not start asking about he new Secret Service contract with a Trump golf course in VA for arts, or what did he and Putin talk about, or what does he plan to do about oil prices. I could go on, but we need to press his majesty rather than give him the opportunity for a rally.

  8. Stephanie Grisham still loves her. OANN’s Chanel Rion Says White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham Invited Her Back to Briefing Room.


  9. I’m purty sure I was watching live when this kellyanne conway wannabe softball tossed a question to f**king trump asking if calling Covid 19 the Chinese virus was the same as calling Kung Pao chicken Chinese food. Basically.
    The part that caught my attention was the preface. Where actual journalists normally point out certain facts already established in order to narrow the focus of the question.

  10. And this oan propagandist used that time to accuse actual journalists of repeating malicious disinformation from hostile foreign intelligence agencies. WHILE SOME OF THEM WERE SITTING IN THE ROOM.
    As if it were established truth.
    As the set-up for a question about China.
    So of course stephanie grisham brought her back today. To demonstrate f**king trump’s regard for the Fourth Estate.

  11. I find OAN to be rather terrifying. My brother and sister-in-law discovered it a couple of years ago, and they’ve been sucked down into the whirlpool of disinformation.

    They believe everything that’s been said by OAN, trash every liberal who ever lived, are constantly insulting California and New York, and now are solid Trump supporters, whining all the time about how no other news outlet is balanced and none are fair to our wonderful Republican national and state (TX) government officials. * shudders *

  12. The Surly Professor says:

    KanaW: you’re right, and I really should take that organization seriously as a threat. But everytime I see “OAN” I read it as “ONAN”, and the phrase “spilt their seed on the ground” comes to mind.

    There’s not much we can do about our relatives that are living in the right-wing nutjob bubble. My best recommendation is to target their kids. The most liberal and open-minded ones tend to be the ones subjected to obviously ridiculous propoganda. Just talking to their children, even about non-political things, helps convey the message that people not wearing MAGA hats can be OK.

    I remember reading about how Germany managed to give money to Hitler beyond his pay as Chancellor. One way was to require every newly married couple to be given a copy of Mein Kampf, for which Hitler got a healthy cut. Which led to it being called “the most widely unread book in Germany”. Let’s try targeting that kind of subtle humor at the kids who are not yet encrusted with Trump’s blitherings.

  13. ONAN (heh) has quite a grip on the right fringe.
    When a poster on Free Republic advised that they spread disinformation, another Freeper replied:

    “I don’t give an F if OAN reported a UFO landed at the back of the WH yesterday. If (sic) rather believe that BS than MSM fake news .”
