What’s That You’re Driving, Eh?

February 15, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Come to find out, the “Son of Detroit” (how many places can this guy claim to be from?) drives a car made in ….. wait for it …. North Detroit, better known as Ontario.

Blue Mass Group made this discovery when it compared the dashboard of the car in Romney’s ad to Chrysler’s specs, and determined that Romney’s was motoring about in the foreign-born 300, instead of the locally manufactured 200. Did no one think to check the birth certificate?

Lucky guy is driving a socialized medicine car.  Or is it an illegal alien car?  Does it have papers?  How do we know it’s not a terrorist?  Who knows what evil lurks in that carburetor?

Awwww, Mitt, you’re making it too easy for Santorum.

Thanks to Carl for the heads-up.

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