What’s So Funny ‘Bout Peace, Love, and Understanding?

March 07, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If you can remember the 60s, you weren’t there.

I was.

And I don’t remember it this way at all.

Louisiana has a school voucher program has been about as helpful as a dead cat down the well.  It’s been in a mell of a hess.

And, come to find out, it’s been kinda funny.  The kids over at AmericaBlog have found some hysterical stuff in Louisiana voucher school history books.

“[The Ku Klux] Klan in some areas of the country tried to be a means of reform, fighting the decline in morality and using the symbol of the cross. Klan targets were bootleggers, wife-beaters, and immoral movies. In some communities it achieved a certain respectability as it worked with politicians.”—United States History for Christian Schools, 3rd ed., Bob Jones University Press, 2001

Yeah, that’s how it went.

Did you know that ‘the hippies” worshiped Satan and practiced bad manners?  (Click the little one to get the big one.)


Wow, I must have been really stoned.  On the other hand, I am still breaking all the rules of manners and politeness.

Thanks to Norma for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “What’s So Funny ‘Bout Peace, Love, and Understanding?”

  1. daChipster says:

    I’m trying to find out which code of politeness allows you to wear white hoods after Labor Day? Or how lynching people halts a decline in morals? Or how weilding the symbol of the Cross ties in to blowing up Christian churches with little girls inside.

    Bob Jones University, whose motto is “well, at least we bathe.”

  2. Well, talk about “awkward” – how is my Louisiana school teacher daughter going to explain her hippie parents met over a hash pipe at an outdoor hippie wedding on a farm in rural East Texas and went on to get married amid the pot smoke in Austin? We forgot about the worshipping satan part and the bad manners~too stoned or something~

  3. Betty in Georgetown says:

    Hippies went without bathing, wore dirty clothing? Wow, they must be talking about that great American right-wing patriot and aging guitar player, Ted Nugent, who went even further to escape the draft (google it; it’s too disgusting to write about before breakfast). And Bob Jones University? No wonder our children isn’t learning (credit to GW Bush for that gem).

  4. Bo Leeyeau says:

    Didn’t worship Satan but loved “Sympathy for the Devil”

  5. Wow. No hope for that state.

  6. Anyone that says that crap is just jealous because they didn’t get in on the fun at the time.

  7. Wyatt_Earl says:

    Sorry to say, there were some places where that was true of the Klan. I’ve seen accounts in old newspapers where they went after wife beaters. Obviously, most of the Klan’s actions were horrific, but there is a kernal -only – of truth in their Klan comments.

    Sixites – that’s that dim area in my mind between Elvis and Disco, right?

  8. Marge Wood says:

    My doctor was born at Woodstock. So there.

  9. Hey…..you all remember how much FUN those Oral Roberts tent revival and healing shows were then? THAT was the white conservatives fundamentalists form of expression in the early 60’s I guess……. because they have NO sense of humor, fun, or music at this stage in their lives……

  10. Marge Wood says:

    p.s. I betcha Jesus would have loved the hippies. I always told my 5th grade Sunday school class that everyone expected Jesus to show up wearing a 3 piece suit, riding a corporate jet. He fooled them, though; he showed up driving a beat up old truck with a tool chest.

  11. I was in a Catholic grade school during the 60’s and they were more charitable to the hippies then is Louisiana.
    We were ALWAYS taught to love the person, hate the sin.
    Sounds like Louisiana does neither.
    They however were NOT charitable towards the KKK.
    We were up North however and the civil rights movement was looked on favorably.
    Catholic high school in the during that time and early 70’s and they were very liberal towards all of the 60’s(except of course the sex part.
    We even demonstrated against the war!

  12. You could never tell about those hippies. The only ones I knew breast fed their babies and gave them yoghurt instead of ice cream. They had long hair but I remember it being clean.
    It’s funny how one generation looks at another. I remember my dad saying that the beatniks were just modern day zoot suiters. I had to look that up because I’m not THAT old!
    I just wonder how many of the crazies were at one time “tuned in” to the hippy life.

  13. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    I wonder if that book has a chapter on Willie Nelson.

  14. I think Louisiana’s school system is more stoned now than I ever was in the 60’s. The difference is that they’re stoned on religious zealotry and that doesn’t seem to wear off.

  15. I was in college, and don’t remember any satan worship. However, music was excellent, the conversations about issues were meaningful, and the protests made us a better country. Things seem a so shallow these days. Hope the kids get fed up with the religious mind control, and start using there brains.

  16. “Many of the rock musicians they followed belonged to Eastern religious cults or practiced Satan worship.” Oh dear! That means, oh gasp!, they were exercising their freedom of religion, GASP!! You know, the freedoms our troops have been/are fighting for. How DARE they?!?!!

  17. Since Bob Jones U also believe dinosaurs walked the earth with humans, I would hope they could adjust the new edition of that textbook to include a page or two explaining how the KKK “fought the decline of morality” by straightening out those dirty hippies. It’s close enough on the 6000 year timeline, and they could even photoshop a few clean white hooded characters into that degenerate hippie picture to show the hoods helping hippies with their bathing and washing problem.

  18. We went on a plantation tour in La. The tour guide told us that there were strict laws about how humanely the slaves were to be treated and the plantation owners had to comply. Of course, I had to ask, “Who was enforcing the compliance of these laws?”. The answer? “The other plantation owners”. Even my little kids saw through that BS.

    The hippies built Austin. Yeah, the Austin that seems to appear on every 10 best of something list.

  19. Techno-geek hackers, Hippies, Beatniks, Zoot Suiters, Moonshiners.

    My father’s mother was a flapper in the 20s. Every generation has folks who push the boundaries.

    The most dangerous thing is not teaching the children to question what’s in the books, to let them accept the spoon-fed curriculum of someone with an agenda. There have always been exaggerations, misdirections, and outright lies in the textbooks. Get them published a few times in a row and they become “common knowledge,” whether they are right or wrong.

    Teach the kids to think. Teach them to question. Then teach them how to research the answers and not be satisfied with the easy ones. Really really scary for the status quo, but we’ll all be better for it.

  20. I’d bet my last lava lamp and bong that whowever wrote that text never saw the ’60s and probably never met a hippie.

  21. I have to second Wyatt-Earl’s recollection of the Klan. It was before my time, but I have found plenty of references indicating that down here in Wharton the local equivalent, which called itself the White Men’s Union Association, was a highly respected civic organization along the lines of the Rotary Club. Everybody, even judges, belonged, and they marched in parades and had their photographs taken afterward, standing on the steps of the courthouse with their hoods off. People were proud to belong. They were considered guardians of the public morality and no one could run for public office without their approval. They got that right by shooting the first man who tried to run against them. The man was walking down the street around noontime and somebody leaned out of a window in the courthouse and shot him dead. Nobody–nobody–saw who the shooter was. Their reign lasted from the 1870s until the 1950s or 60s. I think they ended with a whimper as I’ve never heard anything about their official ending, they just petered out.

  22. maryelle says:

    We hippies hated the establishment and people over 30. Now guess what we are? But peace, love and brotherhood were and are what we stood for.

  23. John Peter Henson says:

    Mary C…they just petered out…..Realy need to come up with something different …….thanks…

  24. donquijoterocket says:

    Folks like this author have never quite know what to say about, or to those of us who didn’t go to Europe or Canada but took our chances with a vacation by the South China Sea then came home to become “hippies”. I know they certainly don’t really want to talk to me about those times. I might be tempted to forget codes of manners and politeness.

  25. Corinne Sabo says:

    Considering it is Louisiana, the only state with women dumb enough to marry my older brother, what Klan are they talking about?

  26. Umptydump says:

    Well … golly!!! Looks like that nice lil’ ol’ U.S. History for Christian schools overlooked a few photos. Here’s a nice selection they can put alongside the Ku Klux Klan text in the next edition. They’re at least as harmless and innocuous as those irreligious hippies … aren’t they?


  27. I’m reminded of some beach resort town where the police would go through just before tourist season and throw out anybody who looked like Jesus (long hair, sandals, maybe didn’t bathe every day, no job, hung out with sinners….)

    If I didn’t strongly oppose the idea of burning books, a school textbook that makes the KKK sound better than the hippies would be a top candidate.

    And these yahoos probably consider anything other than their own personal church to be “Satan worship.”

  28. I remember telling my nephew that hippies grew up and became their Moms and Dads!
    One day after losing a round with his young son- he looked at me and said, “I’m there aren’t I?”
    We sat on the step and laughed hysterically!

  29. I think I would bet on the basic hygiene of most hippies compared to that of the typical rednecks on reality shows.

  30. Rubymay says:

    LynnN, bingo! I wore hip-hugger bell bottoms, and I may have occasionally smoked a little stuff that was possibly illegal, but I don’t remember the “christian school” description of “hippies.” I do remember the part about peace, love, and tolerance, and I think maybe we could use a little more of that today. And, by the way, my kids are all remarkably successful, even though their mama went a bit wild for a couple of years during college. (At least I never burned my bras — probably because I couldn’t have afforded bigger belts.) It was an odd time.

  31. Ahhh, yes, the magical ’60’s…If it weren’t for friends, I’d have no memories of the ’60’s…I believe I had a good time, but still can’t explain the tattoo…I lived in a “hippie commune” in rural Colorado…As we got older our life styles had to change, reality set in…The important part of the experience was to live by our beliefs, regardless of where you are…Kinda like what the so-called neo-christians are supposed to do, but don’t…There was a time when a stinky, stoned hippie, was so much more of a good person than most if not all of the Evangelical types…So when I hear one of these xtians spouting off about morality, ethics or showering, I just think they have rejected Christ in their hearts, and wouldn’t recognize Him upon His return…plus, don’t take the brown acid…

  32. Litlhorn says:

    Ya’ll, I am not coffee’s up enough to be Pithy, but this is being TAUGHT to Helpless Children, and they call Holders answer to Paul the Slide into Fascism? How bout Creating the “Beckian youth” by rewriting history and teaching it in Schools? Shouldn’t Booby jendal et al be brought up on Child Abuse Charges? sorry, my sense of humor just went flying out the door, when Text books rewrite history for political gains and produce an electorate that is completely uneducated in the truth…. ARGH!!Klan as Moral High Horse? that horse was glue before it left the gate!!!

  33. damn hippies, so unlike the the heroic rw bunch, pant crapping, draft dodging deserters and latterday hawks.


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