What’s Become of Texas?

September 06, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

First, the Houston Chronicle endorses Hillary, now the Dallas Morning News, who has endorsed every Republican presidential candidate for 48 years has gone heavy duty down and guaranteed righteous.

“We have no interest in a Republican nominee for whom all principles are negotiable, nor in a Republican Party that is willing to trade away principle for pursuit of electoral victory.”

~ Editor, The Dallas Morning News, September 6, 2016

You go Urban Texas, you go proud!


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0 Comments to “What’s Become of Texas?”

  1. Good heavens, is sense breaking out in Texas? I hope it’s widespread and lasting.

  2. WOW! I thought I felt an earthquake up here in Virginia just now!

  3. Pretzelogic in Philly, PA says:

    Baby steps, I guess. They’re not endorsing Hillary, they’re just not endorsing Chump, either. Yay?

    Maybe tomorrow. The online version of the editorial, at http://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/editorials/20160906-donald-trump-is-no-republican.ece, has a sidebar graphic that says, “Coming tomorrow: our recommendation for president [sic]” (btw, usually, when referring in print to *the* President, of the US of A, it’s supposed to be capitalized. Just sayin’.)

    Then the editors try to make the weak argument that Hair Chump isn’t REALLY a Rape-Public-CON. Their first point? He’s *such* an authoritarian. How could he represent the “individual liberty” GoPee? (This from the same party of nutballs who gleefully endorsed a “unitarian executive” when Dumbya & Darth Cheney were large and in charge).

    Their second point? He’s not a *real* “fiscal conservative”, because he’s opposed to overseas investment & wants to reduce debt by “financing mountains of soul-crushing debt”. It’s like they’ve never MET anyone from the GoPee. Even a casual examination of Rape-Public-CON policies & proposals over the last, say, four decades, proves that this IS “fiscal conservatism”. Debt’s only an issue when Democrats run the government. Darth Cheney, to Paul O’Neill on CBS, 1/9/2004: “You know, Paul, Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter. We won the mid-term elections, this is our due.”

    Their third point? He’s totally different on national defense. Why, he wants to kill the families of Muslim terrorists, and allow interrogation methods “a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding.” Wait, WHAT? Did these editors just graduate from elementary school? Sleep through the Dumbya disaster?

    They may not like his style, but no amount of effort to distinguish between “Rape-Public-CON-ism” & “Chumpism” is going to conceal that elephant in the room. Chump isn’t just a Rape-Public-CON, he’s the ULTIMATE Rape-Public-CON. That’s why he won the primaries.

    I know. I don’t want to discourage them from making any sort of progress toward rationality. But seriously, this kind of self-serving crap makes me feel an unhealthy amount of anger.

    We’ll see who they “recommend” tomorrow. Hillary? or Gary Johnson? Baby steps. Zika-baby steps.

    ‘Reason and free inquiry are the only effectual agents against error.’
    -Thomas Jefferson

    I demand to see Chump’s long-form worth certificates!
    (Yes, I’m a “worther” and proud of it.)
    Keep America Great Again!
    Clinton/Kaine 2016

  4. WA Skeptic says:

    Wow! Talk about a course correction!

    Now if you could only get rid of the other corrupt officials in your state government.

  5. That Other Jean says:

    How about that? Enlightenment has come to (at least parts of) Texas! May it bloom like a desert after rain.

  6. But they didn’t endorse Hillary. Was that a bridge too far?

  7. Hot damn, Juanita, I think I’m gonna have to seriously look at repentance. The end of the world is obviously nigh!

  8. Kenneth Fair says:

    Holy moley! The DMN finally found a Republican it didn’t like!

  9. ‘Principles’ theme, a dead giveaway that they are sorely chagrined DetesTed Cruz backers (IMO). Joel Osteen, et al., must sit on their board.
    After all, they did not endorse HRC.

    It’s pretty damned scary when such Rethug-to-the-core movers and shakers actually make many of the same cogent observations as most Democrats and libruls have from day one, while Trump is apparently even doing better in the polls (may need a box of salt grains to flavor that right now, we’ll see):

    “We have no interest in a Republican nominee for whom all principles are negotiable, nor in a Republican Party that is willing to trade away principle for pursuit of electoral victory.”
    The rest of that DMN paragraph:
    “Trump doesn’t reflect Republican ideals of the past; we are certain he shouldn’t reflect the GOP of the future.

    Donald Trump is not qualified to serve as president and does not deserve your vote.”

  10. Now this makes sense. It has been confounding and befuddling me for months why any Repub would want Trump as the head of their party for the next four years.

    One theory is that most don’t, but they don’t have the guts to say so because the party is like a cult and punishes those who don’t hew to the creed. I wonder how many will vote for Hillary in the secrecy of the ballot box. If so, she would outperform the polls.

    Sandridge, Trump is doing better in the polls, but that’s mostly because Clinton was so far ahead that her numbers can only go down. Ignore the media headlines and check out the two best poll aggregation sites:

    I actually welcome the tightening because it may help the Dems avoid complacency and may convince ideologues not to waste their vote on a third-party candidate.

  11. JAKvirginia says:

    Wow… that Dallas Morning News editorial board is right on the leading edge aren’t they? They seem like the type who wait until their clothes start smoking to yell “Fire!”. The sun went down hours ago but it’s nice of them to finally turn on the porch light. Sheesh.

  12. LynnN,
    Sure the Republic Party is just a big twisted cult, and their two main base constituencies, the teabaggers and the religious wrong, are definitive subcults. I’m hoping they’ll have a major ‘Jim Jones’ moment on 9 Nov ;} .

    As far as polls, we had better worry than not. I barely trust them (particularly in this contest). That Mon. Papa Don DuTrumplier even has close to fifty percent support in the effen US of A is a dumbfounding whiteknuckle ride.
    Things like this DMN editorial ‘might’ help some, but at street level, these people are absurdist batshit believers, and always, always vote; and recruit anyone else they can.

    I still think Hillary is quite vulnerable (I’ve been on the wrong side of all this ‘optimism’ all along).
    Especially when the media is in the tank for Papa Don.
    I just watched the PBS NewsHour fercrissakes and Gwen Ifil ‘interviewed’ Tim Kaine. Almost every question was slanted R-ward as she snapped at him like a pitbull (and Kaine was sharp, but missed a few of them bad, our people have to just be prepared to respond all teeth and claws when pushed). KelleyAnne Conway could hardly have it done better. When Ifil interviews a Republic, she is very deferential, and serves them spongecake delicacies and tea.

  13. Good on ya Texass! The extent of the coming landslide is going to rival the biggest ever. The Democratic Senate will approve real SCOTUS justices too. Can’t wait! (Can’t wait for it to be over so I can stop worrying.)

  14. Tilphousia says:

    About time, Texas. But time to grow up and support Hillary.

  15. Marge Wood says:

    Our oldest son just moved to Dallas. Feel free to give him the credit.

  16. Rachel Maddow did a piece on her shock that Mississippi, Yes! Mississippi is in play! She noted Texas, but Mississippi? Yeah. Mississippi.

  17. Marge Wood says:

    I shoulda stuck a qualifier on my message. Our son surely musta moved into the Hillary part of Dallas. I refuse to give one crumb of credit for any good to Trumpet.

  18. According to Austin American Statesman, they are tied. However, some say Trump maintains an edge due to being endorsed by older voters. This concerns me since we spent money sending vote by mail to seniors. Any thoughts?

  19. Dallas Mornings News endorsed Hillary

  20. A tad worried about DMN’s editorial. It almost sounds like a deathbed confession in a way, the kind that really does sound repentant but its too late to name names, such as “Vote for Hillary.”

  21. Hey Folks – they did come out of the closet – they are endorsing Hillary!


  22. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    @Kallie – the vote by mail applications were sent to Democrats. If we can get older Democrats to vote, it’s an asset.

    The poll which shows Hillary tied or ahead may be flawed. It was an online poll, AFAICT, and those are notoriously unreliable. Only people who find out about the poll, and can go online and access it are counted. It’s very easy to skew it one way or another. I would love to see Texas go for Democrats, but I’m not optimistic.

  23. Well, huzzah! Its about time! Now tRump will just turn around and kick the DMN reporter of his plane- in mid-air.

  24. I would give a lot more credence to their statement if there hadn’t been a nationwide voter suppression movement perpetrated by their party since at least the 1990’s. And where have their editorials been while that’s been going on?

    But hey, if it makes them feel more comfortable to mouth the platitudes, I won’t take away their feel-good.

  25. Jonathon Hubbert says:

    repubs & repukes have always had negotiables … and not just bonds.
    Wait! it’s those negotiable bonds that tie them to family values.
