Whatever Republican Women Have, It’s Contageous.

October 27, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita is completely baffled by the pails of stoopid and insanity of female Republican candidates.

“It’s spreading all over the place and Texas is no exception,” Juanita admits.

“I offer you one Republican  State Representative candidate, Sarah Davis.  It appears that Ms. Davis was a delegate to the 2008 Democratic precinct convention and now even admits that she went on to the Democratic district convention.  It was her very first time to vote in either party’s primary.”

“However, Ms. Davis is now running for the Texas House against popular incumbent Democrat Ellen Cohen.  So, how does Ms. Davis explain her sudden conversion?

GOP hopeful Sarah Davis says she voted for Clinton in the 2008 primary, but it was only to stop Barack Obama.

“Quite honestly, I wasn’t totally aware of what the process was.”

Davis also told the paper she “accepted an invitation to attend the district convention as a delegate. ‘I don’t perceive that there has been some great switch from 2008,'” she said.

“Honey, you do not ‘accept an invitation’ to go to the Democratic district convention.  You have to run for that spot and run hard.  People were putting out contracts on other people to get to go the district convention,” Juanita  recalls.

“To make matters even more crazy, Ms. Davis has never voted in a Republican primary until she voted in the one for herself.  Oh wait, that’s not crazy – that’s Republican.  If it ain’t about them, they’re not interested.”

“So, no ‘great switch’ from supporting Hillary Clinton?” Juanita wonders.  “That is very cool.  Not many Republicans admit that.  In fact, probably none.”

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