What We Know So Far

August 31, 2012 By: admin Category: Uncategorized

Da Chipster

Well, the first half of the 2016 Republican National Convention is over and this is what we’ve learned:

→ Chris Christie is unaware of who the nominee actually is.

→ Condi Rice is unaware of who she worked for, never mentioning him by name and only once by “Administration.”

→ Clint Eastwood is a much worse actor than we thought.

→ Mike Huckabee is much creepier than we thought.

Ann Romney IS a witch. With a capital “B.”

→ Paul Ryan’s divorce from reality is final.

→ John Boehner hopes minority voters will self deport. (h/t Bob McC)

→ The GOP elite often wonder how the other 99.9% live. Actually, I’m guessing they rarely wonder at all.  (h/t BJH)

→ The GOP as a whole seems to have lost their diaries covering January 2001 thru January 2009, except for family.

→ Finally, some guy named Romney talked, but has yet to produce an original thought, an honest statement, or a complete tax return.

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