What War on Women?

May 05, 2023 By: Fenway Fran Category: Uncategorized

As a news junkie, I don’t start my day without reading the Washington Post, I listen to NPR, and finish my day with PBS Newshour. But there are things that fly under the radar. I subscribe to Heather Cox Richardson’s Letters from an American. And I subscribe to Dame, which has started emailing a Friday round up of important news of the week that might have missed MSM. Today there was a piece that about knocked me off my chair. Well, actually, the cheap chair had a bad weld and almost collapsed on me but that’s another story.

Here’s the latest on the GOP War on Women, from the Rolling Stone. As if taking away our bodily autonomy and control of our reproductive health care decisions wasn’t enough. Poor tidy whitey righty podcaster Steven Crowder, his wife filed for divorce. Because she could. Texas is a no fault divorce state, just like the other 49. He is unhappy. She is OBVIOUSLY not happy with him for many reasons, but I don’t want to go there. He’s only unhappy because he can’t control her. He’s hoping the Texas GOP platform plank to eliminate no fault divorce becomes reality.

I’m old enough to remember when California (of course) started the no fault ball rolling back in 1969. I was a high school senior, more than a decade away from my first and only marriage (I like to say I sat out the first round). It only took 40 years for NY to be the last state to put no fault divorce on the books in 2010. Either party could initiate a divorce without having to prove abuse, infidelity, or other bad stuff in court. How civilized. Researchers have tracked impact of the reforms, showing decreases in female suicide and domestic violence, as well as decrease in spousal homicide. I had no idea, but am not surprised, that 2/3 of divorces are initiated by women, like Crowder’s wife.

So eyes wide open everyone. Coming to a state near you. It’s not just Texas. Louisiana is working on it, Nebraska only wants no fault if you have no kids. And don’t count on the TX legislature holding this back. In Texas, all they have to do is find a sympathetic judge. Gee, where could they find one who would understand the message????

0 Comments to “What War on Women?”

  1. The problem with the RWNJ is they don’t even want women to 2nd class citizens, they want them to be 3rd class citizens.
    Hell, half of them would want their pickup truck to have more rights than women.

  2. Heck. The RWNJs want their AR-15s to have more rights than women.

  3. Sandridge says:

    Jace @2, Mebbe the RWNJ’s wives are filing for these divorces because the RWNJ wingnuts spend more time and effort fondling their ammosexual wet dream-makers then they do the wifeys…
    [methinks that most of them prolly figure that a 10ga is way too small, but the reality is a .410ga is really sloppy for those pindicks..]

  4. Years ago when corporations were moving people all over the place, some men asked to be moved to Texas. That community property state only works if you know where the community assets are. Then husband would tell wife let’s rent until we find where we want to live. Then he would hide the house equity, and everything else. File for divorce and leave her with nothing. It happened too many times to neighbors and friends to be coincidence. Texas republicans will go along with this.

  5. I would pay $5 to watch a movie where a Crowder-like character, played by Paul Rudd (to make it watchable) gets his wish for no no-fault, but his wife divorces him anyway. Then in the final scene, in court, the judge after listening to both sides gives a nod to The Verdict (starring Paul Newman) and says, “Mr. Crowder, as there is no limit to what I can award your wife, you may keep the barcalounger.

  6. Sandridge, that made my day.
    And just think.
    trump probably thinks a ,22 is a big game rifle.

  7. You all made my day.

  8. Sandridge says:

    P.P. @6, The smallest of bores, tRump, has probably never even fired a BB gun [he’s doubtless deathly afraid of such things, like his being skeered to death of horses, and prolly ponies too; a totally gutless sonuvabitch].

  9. Buttermilk Sky says:

    They’re already rolling back child labor laws so this doesn’t surprise me. At least four of those evil SCOTUS bastards are probably looking for reasons to repeal the 13th Amendment and then slavery will be legal. I see nothing good in this country’s future unless the Republiclowns are crushed.

  10. treehugger says:

    Jace @2: I think AR-15s already have more rights than women in many states.

  11. Grandma Ada says:

    Texas didn’t repeal the law making men Masters of the House until 2005. They’ve probably regretted that ever since.

  12. The Surly Professor says:

    Another chapter about the Texas War on Women: remember the guy who has sued his wife’s two friends that helped her get an abortion (actually, for helping her escape him)? It seems his case has unraveled, and indeed it was nothing more than an attempt to make money:


    Summary: unemployed husband hounds and dominates his working wife. He knew she was seeking an abortion (by reading her phone messages) and found the pill in her purse. He then put the pill back in her purse and waited until she had the abortion and escaped before filing suit. Helped by the genius who wrote the bill allowing private citizens to sue on those grounds. Now he is open to legal peril.

    As the article points out, this guy was too stupid to pull this off. But that was lucky for the woman, and other cases won’t be so easily dismissed.
