What The Hell, Y’all?

August 08, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Donald Trump announced today —

“North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States,” warned Mr. Trump from his golf club in Bedminster.

“They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen,” he told reporters. “He has been very threatening — beyond a normal statement,” Mr. Trump said of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. “As I said, they will be met with fire, fury and frankly power the likes of which this world has never seen before.”

First of all, here’s how he looked while he announced it.


Either he’s getting into the cufflink business or he’s a 5 year old refusing to eat his broccoli.

Then, add a new CBS News poll that says “a majority remains uneasy about President Donald Trump’s ability to handle the situation with North Korea’s nuclear program. Only a third are confident in his ability.”

That means that 1/3 of America is drunk, delusional, and think North Korea is just above Utah on the map.

Y’all, the two craziest small handed leaders on earth are spoiling for a fight.


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0 Comments to “What The Hell, Y’all?”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Definitely not saying that Little Kim having nukes is a good thing. However, given what happened to Khadafy and Saddam Hussein, his paranoia is somewhat understandable. Whereas our own paranoid early Alzheimer’s patient, when given 3 bad choices, manages to find a fourth one worse than the 3. pResident Numb Nuts somehow thinks threatening Little Kim with extinction will persuade him. Donnie you moron, the little dude is already on edge. That is not the way to talk him into a more reasoned stance.

    He’s a lot like you, Donnie. Spanking either of you is less sensible than the crazy act of spanking a crying child.

  2. Marge Wood says:

    Pulling my hair. With this big a country and as many loud and rich folks in positions of power, WHY DOESN’T SOMEONE IMPEACH OR LOCK UP DONALD TRUMP? I want to live to see my grandchildren grow up. I want them to HAVE A CHANCE to grow up. I want them to have clean water and glorious trees and flowers and sustainable lifestyles and libraries and research lab s and picnics and decent houses and ways to make a living and folks being nice to each other. I don’t want them out shooting at other people and scraping each other out of the debris of a war. War ain’t gonna help nobody but the super duper rich. DUMP TRUMP!

  3. slipstream says:

    Sounds like he’s been watching “Game of Thrones” again.

  4. The moment Kim, Jong Drumpf was elected, I started worrying about SKorea. We have young relatives serving in Yongsan and older, near retirement-age friends working in Seoul and Ulsan, with their families on-site. A nuke or invasion from the North is undesirable right now, not even counting the millions of Koreans we don’t know. As @Jane & PKM noted above, Kim, Jong Drumpf, when offered “3 bad choices, manages to find a fourth one worse than the 3”. Well done, Drumpf, you dumba$$.

  5. I really feel for the poor citizens of North Korea and the whole of South Korea. The Moron in Chief may think that bombing over there will shore up his base, since his numbers have dropped with even that group.

  6. I had to go and look at pictures of kittens, and still was so upset that I had trouble typing. When I was young, I learned to hide under my desk at school, or sit against the wall in the hall, covering my neck, so that I would be “protected” against the bombs that Russia was going to drop on us. I was genuinely concerned that the world would be destroyed by war. Now, I’m at the end of my life, can no longer hid under anything, and know that nothing can protect us from bombs. And the demented 45 looks at it like it’s a video game, and also appears to believe that the bomb that drops on me will not drop on him, because he is The Donald. I need to go and find more kittens.

  7. The scary part is we are still in a state of war with NK, temporarily suspended by an armistice. I don’t remember Congress having any say over ending an armistice.

  8. John Jackson says:

    Oh good! TWO bat-shit crazy heads of nations with nuclear capability.

  9. Will Mayer says:

    Really? Mr. Trump delivers lines like an upcoming attractions for Hollywood’s super-sadistic and -bloody war epics, “As I said, they will be met with fire, fury and frankly power the likes of which this world has never seen before.” Really, Mr. Trump, do you not talk to anybody over 11 years old?

  10. Tilphousia says:

    Will someone please get a scold’s bridle and put traitor trump’s bloated face in it. And while your at it, render his phone useless. That way he won’t start WW111 by twitter or spill more classified information with his yuge mouth. That numbskull thinks soldiers are those little figures kids play with. He’s too delusional to realize what flesh and blood men and women will be doing if he doesn’t shut up. I say, let traitor trump and dwarf boy duke it out. Just the two of them. Winner gets bragging rights.

  11. First and foremost the only person who can say “fire and fury” is the Khaleesi – and Donbo you ain’t got no dragons. Second the orange dump and the asian wacko resemble this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXATjvr_rl4

  12. If Trump thinks the world has never seen fire and fury perhaps he should go to the archives and look at the newsreels
    of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, that is the like of something we have never seen and do not ever want to see again in this world. Our idiot in chief likes to talk tough and then hide behind other people.

  13. It has rankled me ever since Election Day that this country has a draft dodger as commander in chief. That is not just history, but putrid, lurid history. Another point: look at the body language in that picture. This NK situation really scares him. There will come a point where it will be just fine with him if someone comes and just gently takes him to the attic and locks him in. No phone. No Fox News or whatever. And since he likes golf so damn much, let him sleep with his putter.

  14. Yes, the republican party is commode-hugging drunk. I for one am tired of holding their hair.

  15. Old Fart says:

    Maggie @13: I agree about the body language.

    I suspect Deadbeat Donnie wants nothing more than to retreat into his “poor man’s vision of how a rich man lives”. But even he knows that NY, NY isn’t safe from foreign attacks… And freaking the NKs out won’t help…

  16. Malarkey says:

    @joan, I totally agree. It should also be raised that He Who Must Not Be Named had his rant two days after the Hiroshima anniversary and one day before the Nagasaki anniversary.

    Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. Unfortunately, the rest of us are also doomed.

  17. Couldn’t the PTB just arrange a pissing match between the tweeting Yam and NK ground squirrel and then leave the rest of the world out of this?

  18. When I first heard and saw this idiot in the WH make the statement with no REAL thought, I actually held my breath for a second. Some one needs to set this fool down and make him look at the of what happened when we dropped atomic bombs on Japan in WW2. This is not a game, two nuts who don’t really care about the aftermath. As for getting the idiot out of the WH, remember the next snake, Pence is no better !!! I asked my husband where could we go to be safe if the unthinkable came to pass, his reply was no where……
