What the Hell is a “Job Creator” and Why Isn’t it Doing its Job?

September 16, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Juanita says she has no idea why we let Republicans get away with calling rich people “Job Creators.”

We understand that “Job Creator” sounds a tad better than “Greedy Rich Old White Guy Who Doesn’t Want To Pay His Fair Share of Taxes and Probably Has More Money Than The Robber Baron’s Ball Hidden Offshore.”  We get that part.

But, why did we let them get away with that?  Why didn’t we burst out in laughter the minute they said it and ask, “Why the hell aren’t the job creators creating jobs?”

Oh yeah, I know the Republicans will say, “Well, they can’t create jobs until you take away all those horrible regulations,” which is to say:  let them have an unsafe workplace and knowingly produce defective and dangerous products without any liability.

What we need is a stinkin’ translator.

Job Creators are not Job Creators until they create some damn jobs.  Before then, they’re just fat lazy people.

Why didn’t we jump out front of this and call it the “Give Paris Hilton A Tax Break.”

It’s like when we let them start calling social security “an entitlement.” Heck, even Democrats call it that now.  Social Security is not an entitlement, it is “earnings from a lifetime of investments.”  I cringe every time I hear a Democrat call it an entitlement.  Stop it!

Job creators, my patootie.  I cannot believe we let them say that.

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