What The Hell Does He Have To Do To Get Fired?

April 03, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m beginning to think that Scott Pruitt is fireproof.

President Trump called EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt on Monday night and told him “Keep your head up. Keep fighting. We got your back,” according to an administration official.

Chief of Staff John Kelly followed up on Tuesday morning and they talked about the President’s call and Kelly reinforced the President’s message.

I am amused that Kelly has to call people back after they talked to Trump because, bless his heart, Trump doesn’t even know the name of the place where he holds the Easter Egg Hunt.

I guess if you’re keeping big oil happy, raping the environment, and God only know what else at the “room” he rents from an oil lobbyist, you’ve got yourself some that “job security” that no one else has at the place with no name.

Here’s the latest.  All this kissy face from Trump and Kelly came after Pruitt bypassed the administration to give enormous raises to two hires who came with him from Oklahoma.  Everyone thought this slap in the face would jeopardize Pruitt’s job.

Nope. Not in the least.

What’s it gonna take?

Thanks to Henry for the heads up.



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