What The Hell Does Flynn Know?

June 24, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, Trump appointed members of the US Appeals Court have ordered  federal district court Judge Emmet Sullivan to dismiss the case against Mike Flynn.

It was a surprise ruling and the dissenting judge on a 2 – 1 decision was not taking this stuff with a pleasant smile.

″ This appears  to  be  the  first  time  that  we  have  issued  a  writ  of  mandamus  to  compel  a  district  court  to  rule  in  a  particular  manner  on  a  motion  without  first  giving  the  lower  court  a  reasonable  opportunity  to  issue  its  own  ruling,” Wilkins wrote.

It also appears to be  “the  first  time  any  court  has  held  that  a  district  court  must  grant  “leave  of  court”  pursuant  to  Federal  Rule  of  Criminal  Procedure  48(a)  without even holding a hearing on the merits of the motion;

Oh yeah, let’s just make up law as we go along.  We can call it the Mike Flynn Exception.

I haven’t heard yet if Judge Sullivan is gonna take this without a fight.


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0 Comments to “What The Hell Does Flynn Know?”

  1. Rich in Fla says:

    From quick reading of my respected legal bloggers:

    If he does stay in the, fight Judge Sullivan can request an en- banc hearing – being reheard by the full circuit, not just three judges. Word among practicing attorneys is that other judges & the chief judge think shit like this makes the whole circuit look stupid and skews the legit body of work they generate. Aside from appearing outwardly corrupt.

    In a second round, it’s unlikely a majority will take Rao’s view.

    I also saw a comment about a rehearing being an option for the chief judge of the circuit to initiate on his own.

    Fingers crossed.

  2. Trump should step in any minute now. He’s been crowing he’s the law & order President for a month now. Let’s see his commitment in action.

  3. Grandma Ada says:

    This is so bad and so serious. No government stands without an independent judiciary, and plainly, we do not have one.

  4. joel hanes says:

    Neomi Rao is a disgrace to the bench, much worse than Alito

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    This is so stinking corrupt and in full view. First it was Barr’s Friday night nixonian bullshit move and now this. I hope Rich in Fla is correct. We need non corrupt judicial members to step up and call bullshit on this lawlessness. Not sure what the Trumpf bunch will do to top this, but I’m afraid they’ll find something.

  6. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Sometimes I wish Flynn was a black man running from cops.

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    No- not that. He’s like a corrupt white cop and his superiors are also corrupt. They have a “red line” code of conduct and nothing is off limits.

  8. Harry Eagar says:

    FedSoc puppets

  9. maryelle says:

    This stinks to high heaven.

  10. Tony Deen says:

    I hope Glenn Kirschner’s tweet is viewable:


  11. twocrows says:

    Steve from Beaverton @5:
    “This is so stinking corrupt and in full view.”
    ~ ~ ~
    Clearly, Trump and Barr believe the fix is in for November. You know they’ve got plans for the Post Office so that mail in voting won’t be possible — no matter what the House might do to try to make it universal.

    And, once they’re assured of another four years, it’s goodbye to elections completely. Maybe they’ll throw us a sop and let us elect the governors and mayors —- of their choosing.

  12. Ormond Otvos says:

    He’s gonna lose. He knowzit. Panic and REVENGE
    are on his screen now, so watch him wreck any thing
    he can reach: elections, health care, trade, military…

  13. Ormond Otvos says:

    Now we’ll find out if Dems have a spine.
    With all this anti-male stuff going around,
    maybe that’s not gonna happen.

  14. Kenneth Fair says:

    I was very surprised to see this ruling, since Judge Sullivan had not yet issued his own order. The only time I’ve ever seen an appeals court issue a writ of mandamus to a lower court without a lower-court order is when the lower court is refusing to rule at all, which is clearly not the case here. There’s plenty of judges, liberal and conservative, who would have dismissed or abated the appeal as being premature until Sullivan ruled. I would not at all be surprised to see this taken up by the full court en banc, to preserve orderly proceedings in the appellate court.

  15. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Two Crows- believe you’re right that’s their intention, especially with Barr morphing into Giuliani with vote by mail conspiracies. I also believe he’s frantically trying to keep his job because he’s so nuts, he’ll be through when the election is over. I have more confidence they’ll both be waddling out of the White House in January. Dems definitely need to step up to make that happen. Maybe the polls this time are showing more Republicans finally are seeing just how dangerous Trumpf is to everyone including them. Those that don’t see it are repugnanticans.
