What the Frack is Going On?

April 01, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

My friend, El Grande Jefe Bob Cavnar, who is the co-founder of the Old Farts Progressive Blogger Alliance, has appeared on Rachel Maddow several times and Keith Obermann, too.

Bob has the unique ability to explain complicated energy matters in terms that even I can understand.  Bob’s a Texas oilman, and although he would deny it, a bit of a Renaissance man.

He explains fracking is not really fracking, and the unspoken harms of it.  Take some time this week to visit this article. You’ll learn something.




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0 Comments to “What the Frack is Going On?”

  1. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Bob Cavnar is a national hero, IMHO. He did yeoman’s work explaining the BP Macondo Gulf Oil Spill to us civilians. Between him & my husband, I know more about oil drilling than I ever wanted to know. His website is a must read.

    I also know that the fracking being done in our future retirement area has changed our plans completely. Hawaii is looking better every day.

  2. Marge Wood says:

    I like to breathe. Prolly you do too. Definitely read this one of its kind article, then google TEXAS DROUGHT PROJECT and see what they’re up to.

  3. maryelle says:

    Pennsylvania farmers are ending up with polluted wells and no clean drinking water due to the frac’ing on their farmland. Companies have been caught dumping by-products in streams and rivers as well.
    Unfortunately, this is not the panacea the gas and oil companies would have us believe. Lots of problems remain to be solved.

  4. You’re right, JJ. Bob writes beautifully and clearly, a talent too few have, though I’ve been fortunate enough to meet some (and be related to some).

    I’m reasonably well informed (I have a chemical engineering degree), but I was unaware of the silica problem and how far back frac’ing went. I only knew it went back as far as the ’60s. Great information.
