What the Dickens?

June 12, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I know nothing at all about these people.  Furthermore, I consider that a real blessing.

I love yew, Texas.

Thanks to David who was just wondering if I knew any of these chicks.

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0 Comments to “What the Dickens?”

  1. Sandy Havens says:

    Yup, not knowing those folks–or folks like ’em–is a blessing. Unfortunately there are a lot of such folks out there. As my wise father used to opine when someone would claim that it takes all kinds to make a world, “No it don’t; but they’re all here.”

  2. Corinne Sabo says:

    How about: Don’t know them, don’t WANT to know them.

  3. Elise Von Holten says:

    After reading about them I’m really glad I don’t own a TV
    I thought the chicken tamale and the peach cobbler recipes looked okay
    (they were on the same page)–but I tend to like Sonoran Mexican food and pork tamales (from growing up in AZ)

    Is anyone else getting angry (seemingly no real reason) my boyfriend is studying for finals in Med school so he’s on a short fuse (no politics allowed till tests are done) so I get his reason, but I am waking up so full of anger over the Republican stupidity and common peoples falling for it–the guy who fixed my clock–thinks it all the Presidents fault,,,ALL
    and I don’t dare engage–I’ll go over some edge and strangle him–the lies and duplicity and mess–it’s so easy to tear down, I’m tired of the graffiti, tired of trying to be reasonable when people say 2nd amendment solutions and have no idea what they are saying-idiots and when I was in Egypt–(we had not gone into Iraq yet) there was a huge sign painted on the wall with boxes and checkmarks–Afghanistan-Check, Iraq- Check, Syria box not checked yet and then the rest of the countries after that–and the ads on TV–Americans waste 30 gallons of water each day, the rest of the world does not have clean water to drink–all kinds of truths that were uncomfortable with people that were kind and celebrating a holy time in their culture-I’m sad and angry and tired–I worry that my country is not going to last, and because I am sick and fragile I am going to die sooner than my time–my $$ all spent on care that would be covered if I lived in any other 1st world country–which mine is no longer if the Republicans get their way–being smart when everyone is stupid has always meant picking up the slack, working harder than others because it was there to do (and I saw it) and just plain struggle…we all have a story–and most are brutal, short and bloody–but for a brief moment is history’s time I believed in the good. loved my brother, forgave trespasses. and gave from the love called agape…I am losing the desire to do that and that IS the death of the American dream

  4. This may be why newspapers are going out of business…… if this is what passes for “news” in Dallas.

  5. I totally agree with Elise … with her total statement above! What is going on in our Country and the world is frightening and we must depend on every Dem getting out and voting in November and thwarting the lies and hatefulness of any and all Repukes so we might maintain some sense of the freedoms we have in this country! If the Repukes get in, they will take so much from each and every one of us and we simply cannot let that happen! I also suggest continuous prayer with the faith of Jesus and the trust in God the Father that they will not let this country fall to the likes of Willard Mitt Romney!!

  6. Uncle Dave says:

    J.J. Not to out you, but don’t you sleep with a lawyer? What does Bubba think of the pleadings in this suit?

    The defendant is represented by Fulbright Jaworski, and their services are not usually provided pro bono. The plaintiffs’ lawyer is interesting in his own right. This thing is pure entertaiment, a silk stocking district cat-fight between two broads who dress too expensively to appear on Jerry Springer. Since neither garners any sympthy it does not matter who wins.

  7. Marge Wood says:

    Listen up guys, you gotta take every advantage of every connection to talk about why we are Democrats. ASK YOUR DOCTORs. Some of them are Dems–not many but some. TELL THEM if they live in Austin or one of those places to subscribe to TEXAS OBSERVER which has very cool monthly house parties for all subscribers. TAKE YOUR POLITICAL PINS AND VOTER REG. CARDS TO THE HOSPITAL WITH YOU when you check in. GET YOUR FACE PAINTED WITH THE CUTE THINGY FROM YOUR CANDIDATE’S FB PAGE. Rah rah.

  8. Jerry C. says:

    Brava Ellise. I noted that one of the comments in the DMN story was headed somewhat in the same direction as your comments but then he blamed the whole mess on “Liberals” equating them (us?) with Fascist.
