What Part of Felony Shooting Off Your Mouth Does Rick Perry Not Understand

August 21, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The trial court judge is not impressed with Rick Perry’s schoolyard bully talk .

Judge Julie Kocurek of the 390th District Court, a Democrat, said Perry’s Saturday statement, issued a day after the indictment, could be construed as a threat and possible violation of the law. Kocurek, as the administrative presiding judge of all criminal courts in the county, said that “no one is above the law,” and the public needs to know that grand jurors are legally protected from any threat.

The judge was upset that Perry said, “I am confident we will ultimately prevail, that this farce of a prosecution will be revealed for what it is, and that those responsible will be held to account.” Of course, the only people responsible are the judge, the special prosecutor, and the grand jurors.

So, she stood up to the bully.

Threatening a grand juror is a second degree felony with a 20 year prison sentence.

Keep pounding your chest, Rick. It’s entertaining.

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