What Is Wrong With You, Woman?
Susan Collins got herself in a mess of trouble when she got caught lying about the tax bill.
She told Meet the Press that the tax bill would use growth to offset the tax cut so the national debt wouldn’t explode.
She cited Glenn Hubbard, Larry Lindsey, and Douglas Holtz-Eakin.
Well hell’s bells, somebody called two of them and –
Jennifer Rubin got ahold of two of the three, Hubbard and Holtz-Eakin. Both economists denied having ever claimed the Republican tax cuts would produce enough growth to recoup the lost revenue.
So Collins headed home to people who praised her for her courageous vote against the health care repeal to face some really pissed off people. Some met her at the airport and turned their backs to her. And it’s continuing.
An electrician, a nurse, a senior, and a veteran were arrested at Senator Susan Collins’ Bangor office Monday evening for refusing to leave until the Republican lawmaker promised to pull her support for the GOP “tax scam.”
“We are not trying to cause trouble, we are trying to be heard and represented,” Tina Davidson, a disability rights activist and veteran, said.
So Collins, the last Republican moderate, jumped onboard a sinking ship and is now cuddling to the donor class.
May God have mercy on her soul.
Thanks to SGray for the heads up.