What Is This? Goofy Fluffy White Boy Day in Texas?

May 27, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


To be honest, this amuses me to the extent that it literally improves my spiritual net worth.

Rick Perry is running for President.

Yeah, right.  Sure, he’ll be President and I’ll be the Queen of Ohio.  If I lived in Ohio.  And could get elected Queen.

I still contend he’s running for Vice President because I don’t think the American people will elect another dumbguy from Texas who’s best at standing around grinning from his butt to his eyebrows.  No, seriously, that’s the only thing Rick Perry does well.

Look, I just want to warn you folks from foreign states that Rick Perry will absolutely not live in the White House if elected.  It won’t be nice enough for him.  So, he’ll spend his entire term living somewhere more befitting his fancy pants lifestyle and taste – like maybe Trump Tower.

On the upside, there’s nothing more likely to focus on kinky behavior and bad guy cahooting than a national race.  Rick Perry has more baggage than the Greyhound Bus Terminal.

Oh, and by the way, a thanks to Ralph for the heads-up on a great running mate for Perry.  I think maybe we should do the Republican primary in gladiator style.  Put them all in a ring and let them beat each other upside the head with their Bibles until there’s just one standing.  That there would be your winner.

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