What is This? Crazy Texas Day?

May 09, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Now it’s Texas senior senator John Cornyn being batcrap crazy.

Texas Sen. John Cornyn (R) on Thursday warned his colleagues in the Senate that people who were “wearing some form of turban” were illegally immigrating into the United States by crossing the Southern border.

Turbans.  You know, like this:

Or maybe even like this?

Cornyn says that he had “anecdotal” evidence that we only catch one out of four people coming across the border illegally.  Senator Chuck Schumer corrects Cornyn’s “anecdotal” hysteria with GAO facts – showing about an 80% rate and improving.

I have yet to hear of a terrorist coming across the Mexican border.  However, there’s that dangerous Canadian border.   You don’t see Cornyn in hysteria over that.

Plus, those Canadians even let Ted Cruz in.  Talk about terrorism!

Thanks to Irene for the heads up.

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