What Goes Up Must Come Down UPDATED

October 24, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump attorney Jenna Ellis flipped this morning. I could be wrong but I think she just blamed God.


Y’all, I’d like to publicly thank Jenna for doing her part to make this world evil and for having the self awareness of knowing it.

Is Vegas making odds on who is next?

Whoa!  Just saw this.  The crying, smirking lawyer bit must be a big seller in Georgia.



0 Comments to “What Goes Up Must Come Down UPDATED”

  1. Another one bites the dust. 14 more to go.

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I’m guessing old Rudy’s hair dye is running all the way down to his shorts. Tick tok Donnie boy.

  3. The flips are coming faster than a Simone Biles floor routing. I am hoping Fanni Willis can stick the landing.

  4. But what about the Astros??????

  5. Grandma Ada says:

    I guess Trump is seeing what happens when he quits paying for their lawyers. An actual attorney gets hired who tells them the truth – they’re up the proverbial creek!

  6. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Tom, Don’t rub it in. They successfully broke my heart … again.

  7. WOW! Is it too early for to nominate the Academy Lying Lawyer $ack of C**p Award?? She emoted tears even.

  8. The Surly Professor says:

    Rudi Ghouliani definitely is sweating. For those who have a spare $6.5M, you can throw some cash his way:


    Although that tacky alcove, with a table and four chairs where they can’t all be pulled out at the same time, surely deserves to have a few $100K knocked off. Plus the HOA charges of $10k/month seem a bit stiff. My entire house could be paid for in 11 months at that rate.

    I’d also want to smell the place first, for two reasons: Guiliani smokes cigars, and the smell of sulfur and brimstone is hard to get out.

  9. RepubAnon says:

    @Juanita Jean Herownself: Apparently the Astros list every playoff game where Ted Cruz attended.

  10. Surly professor @ 10,

    Ghouli is out of cash and can’t pay his lawyers.He’s either going to prison or live in a cardboard carton under an overpass. I predict he’ll flip soon and Meadows will follow.

  11. Lol JJ,I noticed that to!
    ‘I’m a good Christian’ (so send me money $$$) and her phony non confession using the ol Dog Ate My Homework Defense, ‘I didn’t do it, my big brothers made me do it’, complete with crocodile tears. Those weren’t tears of remorse, they were tears of embarrassment being caught in a lie.

  12. Steve from Beaverton says:

    What a fine day. First Jenna Ellis pleads guity to being a party to trumpf’s election interference scheme in the Georgia case, then he had to sit and hear Michael Cohen call him a crook right to his face in NYC. Wonder if he’s getting tired of winning yet?

  13. And now the Big Kahuna, Mark Meadows, has flipped!
    The former WH Chief of Staff was right in the middle of this stinking coup d’état attempt.

    This is going to be an awful week for Donnei T. Yeehaa!!

    Mr. Mango Manboobs is getting clobbered from all sides, couldn’t happen to a more deserving sonuvabitch!


    “ABC News is reporting that former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows has made a deal with special counsel Jack Smith to testify in the federal trial concerning Donald Trump’s schemes to overturn the 2020 election. “

  14. I know, I know! I’m going to come across as an old curmudgeon but who the heck wrote her script? Cannot believe the tears or her apology. How in the world did she ever get through law school! Maybe she was absent the day they were teaching “how to appraise your possible client.”

  15. Surly Professor #10
    Re: Roody’s pied a terre – Good bones, but lacking in personality. At least no tacky gilding in sight. But what? No built in fridge in the kitchen? $6.5 doesn’t buy what it used to.

  16. That should be $6.5 mil.

  17. Don’t know if any of y’all have been following today’s NY tRump trial that Donnei has actually been present at, but His Mangoness has been having a very rough time there too [M Cohen star witness…].

    He’s beginning to show signs of stress.

    Th court took several breaks and DJT left the room [returning late].
    I keep hoping that somebody will put a couple of bottles of ketchup on DiJioT’s table while he’s out.
    Watching him explode and pitch the ketchup at Michael Cohen, the prosecutor, or Judge would be a hoot.

    The MAGAot Mango Meltdown is surely coming soon…

  18. Steve from young says:

    It’s pretty clear that these flippin codefendents in Georgia and with the federal case are finding that the evidence is so compelling, they either enter plea deals or live with their only friend being a cold toilet in their cells. Maybe the Astros lost and my Dodgers played like shit, but this stuff against trumpf is easing my pain, and a glass of wine right now to celebrate. Cheers y’all!

  19. Mark Meadows is just exactly like the losers trying/not trying to be the Speaker of the US House of Representatives. He is not someone whom we can believe, ever. Remember, among other things, he is the one who SAID he was registered to vote…where? Some little trailer he never lived in. He’s a dignified-in-style pig who is just like the others. Like phony Jenna, like crazy Leopard Sweater woman, like Mr. Pillow, like Rudy Desperate-to-be-important-and-loved-again, like the rest of the Klown Kar. God. I am so sick of these useless “people.” Just throw them in a landfill.

  20. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I was so excited i used the wrong handle. Steve from Beaverton is what I meant to use.

  21. Is that what they call a , “come to Jesus moment?”

  22. The Surly Professor says:

    Holy Moly, Sandridge: that link is a jewel. Meadows is out as a blatant liar, which we’ve all known but is now in solid perjury-enforced testimony. About the book-like object that came out a year after the election but which he now calls “ghost-written”, he says “… when speaking with Smith’s investigators, Meadows conceded that he doesn’t actually believe some of the statements in his book”. I’m going to my local library and insist it be withdrawn from circulation, or moved to the fantasy and fiction shelves.

    Another juicy bit from Sandridge’s links: Meadows says “he ultimately didn’t leave because he wanted to help ensure a peaceful transfer of power.” What part of “peaceful” or “transfer” did Meadows fail to learn in elementary school, like the rest of us?
