What Does This Button Do?

November 14, 2016 By: Primo Encarnación Category: Uncategorized

So, it turns out, the Transition is not exactly going smoothly.  From the WSJ:

During their private White House meeting on Thursday, Mr. Obama walked his successor through the duties of running the country, and [Dat Guy] seemed surprised by the scope, said people familiar with the meeting. [Dat Guy’s] aides were described by those people as unaware that the entire presidential staff working in the West Wing had to be replaced at the end of Mr. Obama’s term.

I don’t mind so much that they’re unfamiliar with ALL the intricacies of the Federal Government. I do mind that none of them has ever watched a West Wing episode. Or Schoolhouse Rock.

There's a song?  This job is hard!

There’s a song? This job is hard!

After meeting with [Dat Guy], the only person to be elected president without having held a government or military position, Mr. Obama realized the Republican needs more guidance. He plans to spend more time with his successor than presidents typically do, people familiar with the matter said.

Seventy years of blithering ignorance. I appreciate your attention to duty, Mr Last Real President For Awhile Obama, but do you really hope to change that in him in 70 days?

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