What Does It Take?

March 08, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: 2016 Election, Trump

Paying off a porn star to silence her less than two weeks before a presidential election; colluding with foreign powers to swing the election; starting a war with the US Justice Department; using the presidential seal in a crass commercial operation; running a hotel in a federal building, pocketing millions of dollars in foreign money; putting family members who can’t pass a background check in charge of top secret operations; having a family member on the White House staff who uses his government position to reward (and punish) countries to advantage his private real estate projects; using government influence for foreign trade licensing of the family business; cheating contractors, banks, and investors; filing bankruptcy numerous times; having 5 children by 3 wives, 2 of which were made US residents by shady means; staffing the White House with a rogue’s gallery of white supremacists, unregistered foreign agents, criminals, and weirdos; playing 100 rounds of golf in his first year as president spending one-third of the time at his own resorts; starting trade wars; threatening nuclear war; pissing off every US ally; lying in a continuous stream.  It goes on and on, but that’s enough for now.

The question is, what does it take to wake the Congress from its coma?  Can you imagine the 24/7 howling if even ONE of these transgression was committed by anyone else?  Especially a Democrat who made the mistake of being president while black?

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0 Comments to “What Does It Take?”

  1. But he’s white and “Christian” so he gets mulligans. Yeah. We are living in interesting times.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    El Jefe, thank you for asking. Saturday Night Live answered: http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/what-even-matters-anymore/3654019?snl=1

    The days of the Dotard45 maladministration have rendered many speechless at times, and stumped more with their levels of st00pid. Even the normally erudite Wonkette wrote this headline: “Rick Perry is Stupid.” That’s either mundane, or a really classic understatement. https://wonkette.com/630961/rick-perry-is-stupid

  3. Please! When asked why a particular individual voted ro this guy, he replied “Because he’s one of us!” Well, brother, you just gave yourself away as a slimy, disgusting, corrupt load of DNA! Surprised? No he was just confused!

  4. Sandridge says:

    If we had access to Comrade Trumpov’s tax returns for the last decade or two (and a few other things like sealed legal papers), your excellent list of this ambulatory cesspool’s scams and crimes would likely double in length.
    SOBOTUS did promise to release those 1040’s, right?

    And none of the GrOPer cabal give even one tiny damn about any of it. They are actively assisting the Trump crime family in the whole treasonous scheme. Traitors all.
    If the Democrats don’t sweep the barn out in November, y’all know the ‘American Experiment’ is over.

    I’d kinda like to offer a couple of targeted solutions as before, but you wouldn’t be reading this (and I’d get scolded via email, and it’s illegal to even hint at it anyway…).

  5. How low can you go? “Limbo Rock.”. Chubby Checker.

  6. twocrows says:

    And then there’s sending several people out to set up a communications system with Russia that would be invisible to US intelligence agencies.

    Mustn’t forget that little nugget, must we?

  7. what worries me the most… the absolute most…. is his Orangeness pondering being president for life.

  8. @roger

    re: Kim Jong Drumpf as “president for life”

    I hope Fearless Leader has the box on his driver’s license for “organ donor” checked.

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    Micr, it’s doubtful that Loma Linda Medical Center would consider any of Dotard45’s organs of transplant quality. Maybe UC Davis could use them in the origin of the species research?

    Donnie has dropped his lawsuit against Bill Maher for this memorable quote: “”Suppose that perhaps Donald Trump had been the spawn of his mother having sex with an orangutan, because, well, I didn’t just make this up. The color of his hair and the color of an orange orangutan is the only two things in nature of the same color. . . . I’m not saying it’s true, I hope it’s not true, but unless he comes up with proof, I’m willing to, I’m willing to offer five million dollars to Donald Trump that he can donate to a charity of his choice, Hair Club for Men, the Insitute for Incorrigible Douchebaggery, whatever charity . . .”

  10. Good question El Jefe!
    Since Republicans, which are a poisonous fascist blend of White Entitlement, Religious Extremism and Corporate Greed, control all three branches of government, Supreme Court, and MSM, it will take a Divine Intervention or a Revolution of some sort to stop the massive bleeding of a Civil Society.
    Never give up hope, resist!

  11. El Jefe, you left a lot of things off that list. I don’t even have time or sanity left to add them all, but many can be summarized by “putting in charge of government departments and divisions people who openly want to destroy them.” Pruitt in the EPA and De Vos at Education are a couple of large examples. Or else people grossly incompetent, such as Cain at HUD and Perry at Energy. (Perry also wants to destroy the Department of Energy, so that’s a twofer.)

    Also, though I’m not a Christian, I have read significant chunks of the book, and I think I’m accurate in saying that whenever the question is raised, “What Would Jesus Do?”, Trump and his people do the opposite. Especially in the “help the needy, feed the hungry, welcome the stranger, and whatever you did or didn’t do for them, you did or didn’t do for me” verses.

  12. Old Mayfly says:

    Every porn actor is a “porn star.” I think that’s interesting. There are no porn bit players–no porn supporting roles. Guess that is a pretty good indication of very very simple plots.

  13. Remember when President and Mrs. Obama angered the right for what was considered to be too many vacations and golf? Good times.

  14. Tilphousia says:

    In too many cases “white Christian “ is a contradiction of terms. One mega Baptist Church preacher says that sex with porn stars doesn’t count. Wonder whose bible he looks at. Dude has lots to say about wiping out Catholics, Muslims, Mormons. Spits hate with every breath and of course is a presidential advisor. And now there’s another porn star who had an affair with traitor trump. The quislings in congress who are aiding him deserve to lose everything they value money, power. Every one should finish life in a homeless shelter or better yet lying on a steam grate. Then they could appeal to the “Christianity” of traitor trump’s preachers. I’m not a Christian. And the horrible example shown by all too many so called Christians make me stay far far away from their hypocrisy and hate. Resist!

  15. Linda Phipps says:

    Micr: “I hope Fearless Leader has the box on his driver’s license for “organ donor” checked.” Who in the sane world would WANT one of his organs?

  16. Mary in San Antonio says:

    Stacey at #1 – Your comment reminds of one I saw on a WaPo comment board today: Trump is a Porn Again Christian.
