What Do You Get When You Mix Tupelo, Mississippi, and the Confederate Flag? I’m Not Sure But It Rarely Has IQ Points.

November 03, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Marshall E. Leonard of Tupelo, Mississippi, was heavily perturbed that the local 24-hour Walmart stopped selling the confederate flag.

Screen Shot 2015-11-03 at 2.43.58 PMHe was so perturbed that he made a bomb and drove it to Walmart in his heavily bedazzled silver Mazda decked with stickers of the confederate flag and a 4 foot long Mississippi flag on a flexible pole. It is what folks call “a memorable car.”

Long aout 2:00 am, Leonard drove up to Walmart and walked in the front door, nicely warning workers to get out because he’s “going to blow this place up.”

The explosive made a loud bang but did no damage when it was thrown early Sunday into the 24-hour Walmart in Tupelo, Police Chief Bart Aguirre said Monday. He said bomb technicians reported that the package held enough explosive to damage the store if it had been assembled differently.

And by “differently,” they mean “correctly.”

He then escapes in his car, and gets arrested for running a red light a mile away from the Walmart.

“He’s a strong supporter of keeping that flag flying. … This is his way of bringing attention to that,” Aguirre said.

I couldn’t have said that better myself.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “What Do You Get When You Mix Tupelo, Mississippi, and the Confederate Flag? I’m Not Sure But It Rarely Has IQ Points.”

  1. And the motto in Alabama is still “Thank God for Mississippi.”

  2. So judging from the mugshot, he’s what 18 or 19???

  3. Marge Wood says:

    I’d say closer to 40 and having one of them midlife crisis thangs when ever’thin’ goes to hell in a handbasket.

    Speaking of Tupelo, there’s a real super good juvenile novel called THE GHOSTS OF TUPELO LANDING that you might wanna give your grandchildren or your library. It’s part of a series, any of which I’d recommend. Maybe we oughta take that guy a copy of it. He might like it. Then again he might not bein’s as how there’s no Confederate flags or bombs in it.

  4. What, was the Walmart suggestion box full?

    Inbreeding. Not pretty.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    failed at assembling bomb, strike 1

    failed getaway plan, strike two

    Only one thing left for strike 3 – if old Marshall insists on being his own attorney.

  6. That ole rebel flag has caused such tragedy and pain.
    It stirs up hate and ignorance in morons still living in the past.
    Mr. Marshall’s feelings of impotence are well-deserved.

  7. 1toughlady says:

    Not exactly a genius, is he? Well, hopefully he’ll enjoy a nice long stretch in the state pen to consider his foolishness.

  8. Elizabeth Moon says:

    There’s your home-grown terrorist: white, male, angry. Should be federal charges. Probably won’t be. Should go to jail forever. Probably won’t.

  9. Another stellar example of insufficient diversification!

  10. JAKvirginia says:

    Y’know what’s really stupid about this. He was trying to blowup the only place he shops. Stupid… really stupid.

  11. Sandridge says:

    OMFG…Ms. B/JJ and all the TWMDBS commenters,

    PLEASE, please, you’ve got to STOP serving up this stuff.
    My poor tummy muscles can’t take any more from laughing at these far beyond absurd things…(it’s like watching teevee’s “Bait Car” moronic escapades and excuses 24/7)

    Can (people) repubs be any dumber, or do any more stoopider or more vicious things than what we keep seeing?
    (no need to answer that, purely rhetorical question of course, it’ll only (maybe) be tomorrow before one/more of ’em tops the last few DMiRH- Dumbest Moves in Recorded History)

    How the Hell can they keep getting votes in our elections?

  12. Sandridge says:

    maggie says:
    November 3, 2015 at 6:18 pm
    Another stellar example of insufficient diversification!

    Somebody do a chromosome count and validation on this cretin…quick…another (R) genetic DNA defective (formerly) on the loose.

  13. Linda Phipps says:

    They guy came from a very shallow gene pool … about ll drops. All his daddy and uncle.

  14. Linda Phipps says:

    Sadly, idiocracy rules: Kentucky just elected Blevin as governot: (type OK) … no more health care.

  15. Closer to 50.

  16. Actually the Tupelo Daily Journal (which he also threatened along with Walmart) gave his age as 61.

  17. WA Skeptic says:

    Well, sadly, it looks as if Kentucky has surpassed MS as having the most uneducated voters; voting against their own interests seems to be a marker for Republicans.

    Hope none of them get sick.

  18. okie-dokie says:

    According to Google maps there is on Walmart in that town. Had this *character* done any damage to the place the potential jury pool would have been rather upset. “He’s the one who set off that bomb? They cut my sister Calpurnia’s hours back to nothing because of him!”

  19. John Peter Henson says:

    But what else was he to do. Walmart had opened and forced all the Mom & Pop stores to close in his area. Where is he supposed to get his monthly allocation of flags?
