What Do You Get When You Mix Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms? A Republican, Of Course.

July 15, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Arizona this time.  Your congressional district is next.

Screen Shot 2014-07-15 at 10.11.15 AMAndrew Walter, a Republican candidate in the state’s 9th congressional district, is slated to host an “Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms” fundraiser Friday at the Scottsdale Gun Club in Scottsdale, Ariz. Guests can choose to donate at three levels, from a $1,000 “expert” ticket that buys access to four weapons plus 250 rounds of ammunition to a $250 “marksman” ticket that buys the chance to shoot a Glock 18 with a single box of ammo.

Walter’s campaign manager, Chris Tolino, told USA Today that alcohol and cigars will be provided at a nearby restaurant, not at the range, once the shooting is over. Donor response to the event had been positive so far, Tolino said.

Isn’t that just adorable?  See what he did there? Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms?  Not room enough for brains, common sense, and  holy-crap-they-can-drink-before-they-go-to-the-firing-range-you-fool.

That’s what’s wrong with America – not enough alcohol, tobacco, and firearms.  Let’s step it up, guys!

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “What Do You Get When You Mix Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms? A Republican, Of Course.”

  1. It’s actually the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. They need to blow something up.

  2. aggieland liz says:

    @Henry: the mix of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms and Republicans isn’t explosive enough?! maybe those guys from OK will show up w their Howitzer…they’d fit right in!

  3. Groan! Are we supposed to feel all teary-eyed when one of these jerks actually shoots another at this event? If this is the only way they think they can raise money, they sure aren’t trying very hard!

  4. Guns, booze, cigars, and Republicans. Can they think of another reason for me to be glad I’m a long way away? (Some booze I like, but probably not their kind.)

  5. e platypus onion says:

    Is this guy the former NFL QB from Arizona State?

  6. What? Did another candidate already book the Health, Education and Human Welfare fundraiser?

  7. Elise from CA says:

    Oh, but he’s p-u-r-d-y–that’s what matters in the era of teevee.

    Seriously, what is it with these brunette stiffs with full heads of styled hair??? The GOPee is full of ’em. All morally bankrupt and slimy, too.

  8. What do you get when you mix stupidity, insanity, and evil? A Republican, of course.

  9. maryelle says:

    The image of the republican party slides ever so slowly into the slime. Intelligent life is nowhere to be found.

  10. Jim Wynn says:

    Surely to be at least one Darwin Award winner!

  11. Sure hope one of them tries to quick-draw and shoots off his “manhood”. He’d have to be very accurate though. It’s so small.

  12. Larry, actually saw this bumper sticker on a huge pickup, “Does this truck make my dick look big?” If you have to ask…

  13. Gramiam says:

    This yahoo is running against Kyrsten Sinema, our current Democratic Congresswoman. She is a “Non-Thiest” who took her oath of office on a copy of the Constitution. That seems appropriate because she swore to uphold and defend said constitution. I call her “our” Congresscritter because I voted for her, just as I previously voted for her for State Legislator and State Senator. District 9 is the newest Arizona District, carved out after the 2010 Census granted Arizona an additional Congressional seat.
    I have one thing to say to Andrew Walter. GOOD LUCK!! We know who and what you are and we want no part of you!!!

  14. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    And if Sarah Palin shows up to bag her a would-be Congressman are they going to give her a cigar too?
